Map Aperture Science by diamondop1234

  • Aperture Science by diamondop1234

    A brand new Aperture Science map, from Portal.
    • 329
    • 1.41 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • December 11, 2019
    • December 10, 2019
    • Adventure
      Game Map
    Aperture Science
Map Information
NameAperture Science
DescriptionA brand new Aperture Science map, from Portal.
InformationDownloads: 329
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 1.41 MB
Updated at: December 10, 2019
Created at: December 11, 2019
Game Map

Hello, and again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center,

Like you've never seen it before!

  • Mods Needed:
  • -CoFH Core
  • -Extrautilities
  • -iChun Util
  • -Portal Gun
  • -Portal Blocks
  • -Thermal Expansion
  • -Thermal Foundation
  • -Optifine(Not required but reccomended)


As of this moment the map is incomplete. So be sure to comment suggestions for additions to it.