Map Beanusville by the_bi11iona1re

  • Beanusville by the_bi11iona1re

    An awsome Minecraft City
    • 93.65 MB
    • 1.14.4
    • April 17, 2020
    • April 16, 2020
    • Creation
      Game Map
Map Information
DescriptionAn awsome Minecraft City
Version: 1.14.4
Size: 93.65 MB
Updated at: April 16, 2020
Created at: April 17, 2020
Game Map


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Beanusville is a group Minecraft city built on Minecraft Java Edition 1.14.4. At the moment there are around 10 people working on constructing the city. It is one of the largest Minecraft Java Edition city maps. The city runs on a communist system. The city right now consists of suburbs Epping (lower and higher), Hornsby, Hornsby Heights, Waitara, The Entrance, Avocumber and the CBD. There are also other areas which are Mansion, Resort etc. See all suburbs and areas here

The city has a great rail system
that connects every part of the city together. There are 3 main parts of the rail system. The light-rail which connects the suburbs of Epping, Hornsby and the CBD, The Interstate rail line which connects multiple suburbs, cities and states and the metro which is a new express rail system that's still being constructed. We then started to build great buildings. Everybody worked hard to make Beanusville as amazing as it is now.

Made by: The_Billiona1re, TheBossChamp, NooB_Playz, SuparNovar and Boundingroo and TheCasualGamer.       
Made in Australia



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