Map Biome Dasher!!! '21 by IzzyKart57

  • Biome Dasher!!! '21 by IzzyKart57

    Re-release of a map from 2014 with a bunch of new additions and changes!
    • 127.31 MB
    • 1.8.9
    • December 21, 2021
    • December 28, 2021
    • Parkour
    Biome Dasher!!! '21
Map Information
NameBiome Dasher!!! '21
DescriptionRe-release of a map from 2014 with a bunch of new additions and changes!
Version: 1.8.9
Size: 127.31 MB
Updated at: December 28, 2021
Created at: December 21, 2021




Hello! This is Biome Dasher!!! '21, a re-release of a map I made back in 2014-2015 titled... well, "Biome Dasher!!!" If you want, you can view the original page for the map here:


Before I get into the additions and changes made to this new version of the map, know that, at its core, it's still a map created by a non-self aware 6th grader during late 2014, and a lot of aspects of the map reflect that; the entirety of the FNAF section, various parts of Link's Adventure Dungeons, the Broken Map section, I could go on. However, despite that, I've tried to keep these parts relatively untouched, as I feel it would be taking away from the map's identity if I were to remove them.


With that said, there *were* some major additions and changes I made in this version of the map for various reasons. If you wish to skip reading through these, you can skip to the Rules section, but otherwise, I'll explain what the additions and changes are in the following 2 sections:




  • By far the biggest addition to the map was a complete overhaul of The End dimension, and the number one reason why this re-release exists in the first place.

    In the original map, it was a 3-minute long copout ending because I didn't want to make a proper boss fight and ending, and pretty much just said "the story will continue in the sequel map" (which, never happened).

    Here, I've added not only a boss fight, but also a LOT of other things that happen before the fight - none of which I'm gonna spoil here, but trust me when I say its worth experiencing.

  • This counts as both an addition and a change, but Green Hill Zone is now 3 acts instead of 1 and has been HEAVILY optimized. Also, when you go to it has been changed; instead of being near the end of the map, you now enter Act 1 after the forest biome, and enter Act 3 near the end of the map instead.


  • The story has been completely re-written, as the one in the original map was not only hard to follow, but didn't really make sense. Though, while re-writing it, I made sure to try and keep the spirit of the original map's story alive, and use as much of it as I could while still making sense. Try to pay attention to the dates 1) at the start of some areas, and 2) at the end of the mike and Witch books to better piece together what's happening when. (I've also included a more detailed explanation of the story once you wake up in a section below, so feel free to check that out.)



  • Tying into the change in story mentioned earlier, every area of the map now takes place at different times of day, rather than always being during daytime.

  • Many textures in the map have been overhauled and replaced with new ones made by me. These texture changes apply especially to the Green Hill Zone and FNAF sections.

  • In multiple areas, the parkour has been made more forgiving. The extreme hills biome in particular now has 4 checkpoints (as opposed to having only 2 previously), and the underground lava/water/ore section in Megacraft has had 2 checkpoints added to it. I could list other similar parkour changes throughout the map, but you probably get the point by now.

  • The 6 keys have been altered a slight bit; they are now easier to find, with more hints thrown around each area towards their location (check the journal entries for hints about the strange energy radiating from the keys!), and previously only-one-shot keys have been changed to allow multiple attempts to get it.


  • Lighting has been added to areas where it was previously near-impossible to see in due to how dark they were.


  • Overall, the map has been much better optimized, leading to a considerably smoother experience playing through it.

  • Other misc. changes have been made to various areas of the map.



1. Play this map in Minecraft 1.8.9, if you try playing it in any other version it won't work at all (even other versions of 1.8).
2. Don't go into gamemode 1 or 3 unless a) something weird happens and you softlock yourself somehow, or b) find a section particularly difficult and wish to skip ahead of it. If you do that, use /gamemode 2 afterwards instead of /gamemode 0.
3. Play with the resource pack. If you're in singleplayer, it should apply automatically, but if you're on a server, you'll have to download the map yourself, take the file out of the map folder, put it in your resourcepacks folder, then apply it in the resource packs menu.
4. If you play this on a server, I would highly recommend using Vanilla as opposed to Bukkit, Spigot, or anything else, as map tests on Bukkit/Spigot have yielded weird results on occasion, while map tests on Vanilla have had none of the issues Bukkit/Spigot servers have. If you're really pressed for performance, though, I guess Bukkit/Spigot/something else is fine.



You wake up in a strange cube floating above the void beside a plains biome on July 25th, 2014. You can't remember how you got there, or anything about what happened before you woke up. You soon discover, however, that there used to be another player beside you back on July 7th, but that he went on ahead and wrote journal entries for you to read whenever you finally woke up. Unsure what to think, you go on ahead, and start collecting the essence of each biome, what comes next is yours to find out...




The soundtrack I made for this map can be found both on YouTube and Bandcamp:




Well, you aren't gonna find it on this page. Head to the files tab near the top and you'll find the download there. Screenshots should also be found there if I'm doing this right