Map Cake Crafters by _ForgeUser12701704

  • Cake Crafters by _ForgeUser12701704

    Cake Crafters
    • 6.67 MB
    • 1.7.4
    • January 22, 2014
    • January 21, 2014
    • Game Map
    Cake Crafters
Map Information
NameCake Crafters
DescriptionCake Crafters
Version: 1.7.4
Size: 6.67 MB
Updated at: January 21, 2014
Created at: January 22, 2014
Game Map

Cake Crafters is the game where you must craft 3 cakes before your opponent in this 2 player game! The files will include 3 pre-made worlds along with a schematic file to put the game into your world!