Map Capture the Wool 2023 by maniac0bra

  • Capture the Wool 2023 by maniac0bra

    Massive strategic PVP map for any amount of players, that you can use on any server
    • 111
    • 29.79 MB
    • 1.19.4
    • January 16, 2023
    • April 30, 2023
    • Game Map
    Capture the Wool 2023
Map Information
NameCapture the Wool 2023
DescriptionMassive strategic PVP map for any amount of players, that you can use on any server
InformationDownloads: 111
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 29.79 MB
Updated at: April 30, 2023
Created at: January 16, 2023
Game Map

Capture The Wool 2023

A massive strategic PVP map with random terrain generation made by Maniacobra and KragonOficial (builder).
Steal the wool of the enemy team and bring it back to your spawn. But to do that, you'll have to play around a ton of gameplay mechanics to gain advantages, gain coins and shards to buy stuff from the shop, destroy the crystals of your opponents to lower their defenses, buy unique powers such as double jump, lifesteal and more !
The map uses random structures to make the terrain, there's in total 9000 different combinations, and the terrain resets itself at the beginning of each match.

Minecraft version : 1.19.4
Style : PVP, Team versus Team
Recommended amount of players : 6 to 20
Current map version : 1.1.0

You don't need to install plugins to play this map !


How to play ?

1 - The terrain

The game opposes the Blue team and the Red team. Each island in between the bases has its own features. One important note, is that the terrain changes everytime you play ! When you generate the terrain before launching a match, each part of the map is selected from a pool of many structures. There are in total 9000 different combinations ! The terrain is always symmetrical.

2 - The goal

To win the game, you must steal the two wools inside the base of the opposite team, and bring them back to the spawn of your base. When it’s done, the match instantly ends. The wools are inside shulker boxes.

When you steal a wool, it stays above your head. When you die with it, it stays on the ground and can be picked up again, but after 1 minute of being untouched on the ground, it teleports back to its shulker box.

There are worshippers around the wool. They have high health, but it is strongly advised to kill them all before trying to steal the wool. If you don’t, it’s going to be really hard to survive…

There are also chests containing a lot of stuff to build around the shulker containing the wool to protect it, very important !

If the match takes too long, it is accelerated at some point (configurable), changing a lot of gameplay elements to make stealing the wools easier.

3 - Crystals

To gain significant advantages, destroy the crystal on the enemy’s crystal island and defend your own. You reduce the health of the crystal simply by destroying blocks, they grow back, but the health is reduced.

The max health of the crystal scales with the total amount of players. Once a crytal is destroyed, it respawns few minutes later. In total, you can destroy a crystal up to 3 times.

4 - Features of bases

Each base has elevators, only the members of the base can use them. They give jump boost and you don’t take fall damage on them. [Disabled when the crystal is destroyed for the third time]

Also, when you enter the enemy base, you get a mining fatigue effect [Disabled when when the crystal is destroyed for the first time] but also glowing and all members of the base are alerted you are here. [Disabled when the crystal is destroyed for the third time]

Going inside the enemy’s spawn, shop or defense tower kills you.

5 - Catapult island

The middle island has some kind of “catapult” (colored line), teleporting players to the center island and giving them some absorption hearts. This only works with players from the corresponding team. [Enabled only when destroying the enemy crystal for the first time]

6 - Economy

Each base has a shop with 4 traders selling a variety of stuff. There are two currencies : The coins and the shards.

Coins are gained in a lot of ways, mainly by passive gain, and dealing damage / shooting players. The shards are more precious, you gain them by killing players (need multiple kills) and completing goals. Everything you earn is put directly inside your ender chest.

7 - Center island

The center island is the most strategic area of the map, where most battles should take place.

You can find white crystals here, destroying white crystals doubles all the coins and shards you earn (from most sources), but the other half is directly given to you instead of going inside your Ender Chest. The effect is temporary, and leaving the island disable the effect instantly.


While the double bonus effect is active, you also passively gain shards and coins at slow rate.

Destroying multiple white crystals in a row is useless.
If you are broke, going to the center island might be a good idea !

8 - Power island

You can buy Powers to the Wizard trader. Powers are expensive and their price scales with the total amount of players, there can be only one power active at once. When a Power is bought, you can gain its effect by going at the Power island, the the whole team benefits from it !

9 - Defense towers

You can buy very powerful “Defensive” weapons from the Wizard trader. You can only use these weapons when you are inside the defense towers AND an enemy player must be inside your base. Using defensive items is highly recommended as they are intentionally super strong. However, they become useless once your crystal is destroyed for the second time.

10 - OP Commands

You will mainly pilot the map using the "/team" command and "/function" command followed by :

start : Clear the map and generate the terrain (if necessary) then launch the match.
prepare_terrain : Clear the map and generate the terrain, without launching.
reroll : Try a new selection of random structures ; usable before generating the terrain.
return_to_lobby : Cancel the current match and teleport everyone back to lobby.

Full list here :