Map Castle Indestructible by _ForgeUser10332966

  • Castle Indestructible by _ForgeUser10332966

    Castle Indestructible
    • 329
    • 1.24 MB
    • 1.4.7
    • March 12, 2013
    • March 11, 2013
    • Creation
    Castle Indestructible
Map Information
NameCastle Indestructible
DescriptionCastle Indestructible
InformationDownloads: 329
Version: 1.4.7
Size: 1.24 MB
Updated at: March 11, 2013
Created at: March 12, 2013

When you hit the cobblestone wall it will automatically rebuild on its own! If you want plant a tree in the castle and survive in it and plant other stuff that will feed your hunger.