Map Fisherman's Hut by B_Ju

  • Fisherman's Hut by B_Ju

    A Small Fisherman's Hut
    • 50.10 MB
    • 1.19.4
    • May 6, 2023
    • May 5, 2023
    • Creation
    Fisherman's Hut
Map Information
NameFisherman's Hut
DescriptionA Small Fisherman's Hut
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 50.10 MB
Updated at: May 5, 2023
Created at: May 6, 2023

A Small Fisherman's Hut

How can I add this build to my world?

If you want to add it to a survival world, I recommend using the Litematica mod and the litematic schematic file. If you aren't familiar, this mod allows you to import a hologram of a build into your world for you to follow along. It's super handy! Otherwise, you can download the World Edit schematic file, and paste it into your world, or you can download the world file directly, however these builds are often made on worlds not fit for survival (For example, single biome worlds). All three file types are located inside the .zip.