Map Frost Giants Cave by Neropian

  • Frost Giants Cave by Neropian

    TnTrun Map
    • 1.31 MB
    • 1.15.2
    • May 18, 2020
    • May 17, 2020
    • Parkour
      Game Map
    Frost Giants Cave
Map Information
NameFrost Giants Cave
DescriptionTnTrun Map
Version: 1.15.2
Size: 1.31 MB
Updated at: May 17, 2020
Created at: May 18, 2020
Game Map

Frost Giants Cave
(TnTRun map)

I have created a world file for this TnTRun map.

The size of the map is very large and meant for 20+ players. The distance between each layer is 15 blocks and there are 4 layers in total.

This would also be a really good map for tournament's

Anyway, hope you like the map!