Map Landing practice world by takomix1024

  • Landing practice world by takomix1024

    In this world, you can practice landing in Minecraft! You can also play with friends and compete against each other!
    • 1.40 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 28, 2023
    • June 27, 2023
    • Game Map
    Landing practice world
Map Information
NameLanding practice world
DescriptionIn this world, you can practice landing in Minecraft! You can also play with friends and compete against each other!
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 1.40 MB
Updated at: June 27, 2023
Created at: June 28, 2023
Game Map

This world is just for practicing landing!


First, press the item selection button on the left side and pick an item!


Press the TP button to get ready to land!

To start, press the remote start, the button on the landing preparation point, or the button on the top of the measuring pole!


Settings can be controlled with the switch on the right!




Have a fun landing life!