Map Lockwood Island by bivhee

  • Lockwood Island by bivhee

    This Island is suitable for building tiny city. But can be used for other purpose.
    • 108
    • 31.33 MB
    • 1.16.5
    • December 19, 2022
    • December 18, 2022
    • Adventure
      Game Map
    Lockwood Island
Map Information
NameLockwood Island
DescriptionThis Island is suitable for building tiny city. But can be used for other purpose.
InformationDownloads: 108
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 31.33 MB
Updated at: December 18, 2022
Created at: December 19, 2022
Game Map

This Island is a small island but not much really small. You can use this island to build a tiny city with your friends or you can use it for other purpose such as creating an small mini games or events etc. This island has couple of biomes such as Jungle/Tropical side, Desert, Tundra etc. Because of this game's size and biomes, You can do team death match or team invasions by trying to conquer the island with your friends. The world is best seen by shaders. This game make you feel like you're travelling around the world in a short time.