Map Matter Overdrive - MOBA Map by Simeonradivoev

  • Matter Overdrive - MOBA Map by Simeonradivoev

    A MOBA type map made with Matter Overdrive
    • 1919
    • 1.42 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • February 7, 2016
    • February 6, 2016
    • Creation
      Game Map
      Modded World
    Matter Overdrive - MOBA Map
Map Information
NameMatter Overdrive - MOBA Map
DescriptionA MOBA type map made with Matter Overdrive
InformationDownloads: 1919
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 1.42 MB
Updated at: February 6, 2016
Created at: February 7, 2016
Game Map
Modded World

A MOBA type map made with Matter Overdrive.




This map was made using Matter Overdrive 0.4.1 and Forge 1.7.10- It uses Matter Overdrive's Android spawners to spawn androids with 2 teams "light_side" and "dark_side". But will work with any teams assigned to the android spawners. The Android will travel from one side of the map to the other by shooting all androids and players from the other team.


Created by:

  • Simeon Radivoev
  • Dimitar Grozev