Map Midnight Architect by _ForgeUser20128129

  • Midnight Architect by _ForgeUser20128129

    An open-ended puzzle map about building contraptions
    • 1.82 MB
    • 1.11
    • December 22, 2016
    • December 21, 2016
    • Puzzle
    Midnight Architect
Map Information
NameMidnight Architect
DescriptionAn open-ended puzzle map about building contraptions
Version: 1.11
Size: 1.82 MB
Updated at: December 21, 2016
Created at: December 22, 2016


Eleven rooms. Eleven redstone lamps. Can you turn them all on?


In Midnight Architect, you are given a set of materials, which you must use to build contraptions that turn on the lamps. This is not a game about flipping levers or finding buttons. No parkour or fighting skills are required. Everything you need to solve a puzzle will always be right in front of you. The only thing blocking you is your own ingenuity.


The map can be solved in about half an hour, if you know all of the solutions, but your first run-through will probably take much longer. The puzzle rooms vary in difficulty significantly. Some you will solve in minutes. Others might take up to an hour of experimentation. If you get stuck, try a different room. I promise they're not all hard.


The puzzles assume single player. If you play with other people, don't do anything you couldn't do as a single player. Do not, for instance, have one person stand in one place while another presses a button elsewhere. Cheat commands are also against the spirit of the game.


The map is fairly command-block heavy. Slower computers might have issues.