Map Prison Roleplay by zach_attak1

  • Prison Roleplay by zach_attak1

    it is a prison roleplay map which is best played with friends
    • 330
    • 2.53 MB
    • 1.19.1
    • July 16, 2022
    • July 15, 2022
    • Adventure
      Game Map
    Prison Roleplay
Map Information
NamePrison Roleplay
Descriptionit is a prison roleplay map which is best played with friends
InformationDownloads: 330
Version: 1.19.1
Size: 2.53 MB
Updated at: July 15, 2022
Created at: July 16, 2022
Game Map

it is a prison roleplay map which is best played with friends and here is a video to help you set up a server for free:

And if you don't like that one here is another one: In the map you can choose to be a guard or a poisoner as a guard you must keep all the prisoners in line and choose the schedule by clicking the buttons in the guard room where you will all so find your uniform with your baton and keycard if you don't take your keycard you can't get back into the guards room.

If you choose to be a prisoner you are spawned in a room with a chest in that chest is your prison uniform take on set out and put it on because in a little bit the guards are going to get you out of the room and put you in a holding cell until the get you a cell then there is also an exaction chamber to get it to work you must put who every your going to kill on the glass over the lava then go into the room that you watch the exiction in an click the button with the sign thats says to  click to kill then after they are dead click the restore button the restore the glass