Map Redstone Lighthouse by MCForMarko12

  • Redstone Lighthouse by MCForMarko12

    • 720
    • 745.49 KB
    • 1.8.9
    • January 11, 2016
    • January 10, 2016
    • Creation
    Redstone Lighthouse
Map Information
NameRedstone Lighthouse
InformationDownloads: 720
Version: 1.8.9
Size: 745.49 KB
Updated at: January 10, 2016
Created at: January 11, 2016

A nice tower with the common red and white spiral. It even has redstone lamps on top that can either turn on and off like a real rotating light or just leave them all on. Despite its' simplicity, it took quite a while to build because of trying to fit all the redstone in a small space within the lighthouse.
Feel free to use this in your survival world, server, map, etc. Use it as much as you want, no permission is required, and no credit is required.
