Map The Chambers by JC1OZ

  • The Chambers by JC1OZ

    A prison designed with simple yet strong design
    • 100
    • 24.97 MB
    • 1.16.5
    • May 2, 2021
    • May 3, 2021
    • Creation
    The Chambers
Map Information
NameThe Chambers
DescriptionA prison designed with simple yet strong design
InformationDownloads: 100
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 24.97 MB
Updated at: May 3, 2021
Created at: May 2, 2021

A prison designed with simple yet strong design Created to rival pandoras vault and every other prison Strong with layers of obsidian  kill checks and even a functioning lockdown designed by JC1OZ and Appledud492