Map The Isle of Bacon by baconeggninja

  • The Isle of Bacon by baconeggninja

    A survival island map with a view
    • 3763
    • 32.48 MB
    • 1.11.2
    • January 28, 2017
    • January 28, 2017
    • Survival
    The Isle of Bacon
Map Information
NameThe Isle of Bacon
DescriptionA survival island map with a view
InformationDownloads: 3763
Version: 1.11.2
Size: 32.48 MB
Updated at: January 28, 2017
Created at: January 28, 2017

My first map!


Created with World Machine, WorldPainter and the Custom/Fantasy tree repository by Lentebriesje, this island map is simply aimed at being a fancy survival world - simply play it as if it were a normal survival world.



  -Custom caverns

  -Custom trees(Courtesy of the Custom/Fantasy tree repository by Lentebriesje)

  -A few custom structures


I primarily made this for my private SMP server.


For screenshots, click the 'Images' button above.

