Map The Jumpland by tudurak

  • The Jumpland by tudurak

    An exciting parkour map
    • 3705
    • 28.08 MB
    • 1.16.5
    • July 7, 2021
    • July 7, 2021
    • Parkour
    The Jumpland
Map Information
NameThe Jumpland
DescriptionAn exciting parkour map
InformationDownloads: 3705
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 28.08 MB
Updated at: July 7, 2021
Created at: July 7, 2021

The Jumpland

by TuDurak & Peter226


- Parkour yourself all the way to the top!

- Frequent checkpoints and fun levels!

- Fully multiplayer compatible! 🎮✅

- 1-2 hours of playtime! ⏰

- Every stage is unique! ✨

- Moderate difficulty🎯

- Current version: 1.16.5


- Welcome to Jumpland! I'm TuDurak

- This is the second map I’ve built. It took approxiamtely a year and a half to construct.

- The Jumpland itself was made by me, but one of my friends, Peter226 helped me with the background. I can also thank him for the command blocks.

- I tried my best to build it pretty and enjoyable, but if you have a hard time with a jump, feel free to cheat, and use /gamemode creative commands.

- On the map there are 11 easter eggs hidden, which you can find with the help of the color of the different map areas.

- I wish you all a pleasant time while jumping and searching!


- Play in /gamemode adventure

- Recommended render distance: 12+

- Usable cheats in case of getting stuck: /gamemode creative

- Have fun! :D

Sneak Peaks: