Map The Road to Success by _ForgeUser19341860

  • The Road to Success by _ForgeUser19341860

    Climb the buisiness ladders and own the world!
    • 115
    • 899.47 KB
    • 1.10.2
    • September 6, 2016
    • September 5, 2016
    • Adventure
      Game Map
    The Road to Success
Map Information
NameThe Road to Success
DescriptionClimb the buisiness ladders and own the world!
InformationDownloads: 115
Version: 1.10.2
Size: 899.47 KB
Updated at: September 5, 2016
Created at: September 6, 2016
Game Map

The Road to Success is a Map based buisness and industry. As of right now, it has 8 different businesses planned. They are as follows:


1. Self Employed Gamer

2. Fisherman

3. Farmer

4. Chef

5. Nurse

6. Lawyer

7. Game Designer

and last but not least, 8

8. President


Each of these buisinesses is intended to have their own unique trait. I am currently in the process of making those, but I am not particularly far in this process. I am about 15% done with the whole map..


How to Play:


You start off in the town of (Whatever name I choose) and you need to start making money. Infront of you, will be 2 buildings, one with a red roof and one with the blue roof. The one with the red roof is your home. You open the door only to find you have been put inside the house. It is much bigger on the inside. You go outside to see it, and you get teleported outside to your lawn. You go abck inside and find a button beside the desk. This is your work button. Every buisness will have a work button. It will be in the same place, to the left or right of the building beside the entrance. You can easily find it because there will be 3 redstone lamps vertically placed. This is the time management board. When the lamps are all lit up, they will turn off and you will recieve whatever your income was. You continue to press the button 10 times and you see that something appeared on the back wall. You can now hire a helper, or Completionist, as they are called in the map. These people are very helpful, as they will earn you extra money for pressing the button . The increased value per button click can be seen under the button. Once you do that, your Gaming company (being self employed) is started and will produce revenue over time (as logn as you press the button!)