Map White Feather Garden by _ForgeUser26539378

  • White Feather Garden by _ForgeUser26539378

    Beautiful Island with garden and a small palace
    • 2.15 MB
    • 1.10.2
    • August 21, 2016
    • August 20, 2016
    • Creation
    White Feather Garden
Map Information
NameWhite Feather Garden
DescriptionBeautiful Island with garden and a small palace
Version: 1.10.2
Size: 2.15 MB
Updated at: August 20, 2016
Created at: August 21, 2016

Hey guys :)

This map conatins a huge island for you to explore. All trees are completely handmade, which took me forever. But all in all this map surprisingly didn't take too long to build.

Let's look at the things which do make this map special.
The highligt of this map is not only the island itself, but more likely the beauty this map offers.

But i don´t want to spoil too much... explore it yourself.


Keep it building! ;)