Map WhiteWolf001's Awesome castle build by Whitewolf1997

  • WhiteWolf001's Awesome castle build by Whitewolf1997

    A map I made this map for my little sister and I that I would like everyone to enjoy!
    • 335
    • 11.09 MB
    • 1.8.9
    • May 25, 2016
    • May 24, 2016
    • Creation
      Game Map
    WhiteWolf001's Awesome castle build
Map Information
NameWhiteWolf001's Awesome castle build
DescriptionA map I made this map for my little sister and I that I would like everyone to enjoy!
InformationDownloads: 335
Version: 1.8.9
Size: 11.09 MB
Updated at: May 24, 2016
Created at: May 25, 2016
Game Map

I made this map for my little sister and I to play on once she gets her own minecraft account. However, I thought I did really good on this build, so I wanted to share it with all of Minecraftia. Enjoy the castle and farm. I left the mine unfinished because my little sister doesn't know how to play and I wanted to teach her.




I used the INVICTUS texture pack, and I am not sure how different the build will look without it. So, my advise is to please use that texture pack.


Whoever created that texture pack, THANK YOU, YOU ARE AWESOME!




Also, I thought my map would be a good idea for youtubers like BajanCaniadian and Popularmmos to use for some of their videos. IF you guys do create a video using my map, please give me a shout out. My minecraft username is WhiteWolf001 !


Have an AWESOME summer! Enjoy! Thanks!