Modpack AMP - Awakening Classic by 000_shadowake_AMP

  • AMP - Awakening Classic by 000_shadowake_AMP

    280+ Mods 800+ Quests. Long Play. Magic & Tech. Semi-Hardcore. Truely 100% Unique! - With custom world gen, ores and mobs. Tons of mod integration/recipes. Like nothing you have played before!
    • 441480
    • 94.77 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • October 7, 2016
    • August 13, 2020
    • Adventure and RPG
      Extra Large
    AMP - Awakening Classic
Modpack Information
NameAMP - Awakening Classic
Description280+ Mods 800+ Quests. Long Play. Magic & Tech. Semi-Hardcore. Truely 100% Unique! - With custom world gen, ores and mobs. Tons of mod integration/recipes. Like nothing you have played before!
InformationDownloads: 441480
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 94.77 MB
Updated at: August 13, 2020
Created at: October 7, 2016
Adventure and RPG
Extra Large



>>> 280+ Mods 800+ Quests. Long Play. Magic & Tech. Semi-Hardcore. Truly 100% Unique! - With custom world gen, ores and mobs. Tons of mod integration/recipes. Like nothing you have played before! <<<

NEW: Looking for an awesome 1.12.2 sky block pack? Why not try: Awakening - Sky of Diamonds!
(Do not PM issues or bugs, they will be ignored. Use the Issue Tracker or Discord, thanks).

About Awakening Modpack:

"The challenges actually make sense, it's so immersive" - LadyHana, (AKA Mrs Wyld) Twitch.
"Of the packs that I'm currently playing, this is my favorite one to play" - Kmartinator, Twitch.
"If you've never tried Awakening, you owe it to yourself to do so" - shadowake, Creator.
"One of the best packs I have ever played"
- Treqor, Twitch.


Awakening - Classic modpack aims to be a pack unlike any other. It is designed to be a long term use pack e.g. for a long Minecraft let’s play series or just an everyday pack to keep you playing for a long time, with over 280 mods and well over 800 quests. Say no to defaults! Nearly every mod and config in this pack has been edited or modified to make them work better together. The ultimate idea of the pack is to integrate mods together so well that you wouldn’t know they were ever meant to be separate. Is this the most highly customized and ambitious modpack ever made? Probably. Try it and see for yourself.


Need a server to play with friends? Don't know how to set one up? Just rent a pre-configured server!

Click on the picture above to select a plan (at least 3GB), and use my code awakening25 to get 25% off your first month!


Note: This is a heavy pack. You will need a fairly decent computer to run it. I would recommended setting your RAM to 4-6GB (but no more) in the Curse/Twitch launcher settings. Servers should have a minimum of 3GB of RAM, but ideally 4GB or more for the best experience. The pack also requires Java 8 (do not use an older or newer version). A performance guide can be found (HERE).


A 'lite' version of the pack can be found (HERE). This pack is functionally the same in terms of progression, quests, etc. simply with some client-side removals for smoother performance.


Follow @theshadowake on Twitter for the latest Awakening news!

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Support Awakening and become a Patreon! Or join shadowake's Discord.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the difference between Awakening - Reforged and Awakening Classic?

A. Awakening - Classic is a 'completed' modpack i.e. it is 'finished' in terms of scope. Although it still receives frequent updates, it is mostly minor updates and bug fixes. It is a solid pack, with little to no remaining bugs and is the most stable of all Awakening modpacks. It uses HQM for it's questing system. Awakening - Reforged is built on top of classic, so shares most of it's base with it. Unlike classic however; Reforged is always continuing to evolve - adding new features and mods. It's main aim is to add story, lore and further features to the pack. It uses BQM for it's questing system.

Q. What state is the pack currently in?

A. Awakening - Classic is now almost 100% stable (in as much as any pack can be called that). It has received more updates and bug fixes than any other pack. If you would rather live life on the edge and value new features over stability however, why not give Awakening - Reforged a try.

Q. Can I use this modpack to record a YouTube/Twitch etc. series?

A. If you use this modpack for a let’s play, please let me know (although not necessary). I would love to link to it in this thread. Other than that go for it!

Q. The pack keeps failing to download/update or times out?

A. This is an error with the Curse/Twitch launcher and, unfortunately, beyond my control. It seems to happen mostly on poor or low speed internet connections. Please try downloading the pack at another time. Or alternatively try the 'lite' version of the pack, which is functionally the same minus a few aesthetic client-only features. It has a much smaller file size and can be found (HERE).

Q. Can I setup a server to play with friends?

A. Sure! Dedicated server release is now available, just look under the 'Additional Files' section after choosing the version you want to use (HERE).

Q. Is there an open server I can play on?

A. There are usually open servers advertised on the Discord (HERE). There is also a sub server for Patreons, more info on this can be found (HERE).

Q. I cant become a Patreon is there any other way to join the sub server?

A. You can gain Patreon rank (and all available in game Patreon rewards) by being helpful and active on the Discord (HERE). So hop on and start chatting!

Q. Can I redistribute or modify this pack?

A. You may NOT under ANY circumstance redistribute this pack or claim it as your own. Derivative works are also forbidden. You may ONLY modify the pack for PERSONAL use. For more information please read the full license (HERE).

Q. Could you please add [Mekanism/Blood Magic/Mod ABC]?

A. The mods chosen and used in this pack are carefully chosen and modified for balance. Some mods upset this balance, others cause conflicts with current mods or performance issues. You are welcome to add mods yourself; however, you may ONLY modify the pack for PERSONAL use. For more information please read the license (HERE). Please note that absolutely no support can be provided for a modified pack, do so at your own risk.

Q. I’ve found a bug, where should I report it?

A. All bugs should be reported to the issue tracker (HERE). If you want help with other issues, the Discord is the best place to get quick help, it can be found (HERE).

Q. Are you going to update the pack from 1.7.10 to *.*.*?

A. Short answer; no. The pack is an ongoing labor of love and as you will know if you have played it, it goes much further than any other pack out there when it comes to customization. That takes time, lots of time, and wasting time porting to new builds of Minecraft means less time developing the pack. Long answer; although I do not plan on 'porting' Awakening - Classic/Reforged to newer versions. I am working on a classic 'style' pack for 1.12.2. Release TBA. Please stay tuned to Twitter (HERE) for updates.

Q. As 1.7.10 is out of date now is the pack no longer updated?

A. The pack will continue to receive updates for as long as I am still enjoying working on it, regardless of the current 'latest' Minecraft version. I believe this pack to be the most updated pack on Curse/Twitch in the number of updates it has had since initial upload.

Q. Why do I get really good loot from loot bags, I think it breaks progression?

A. Loot bags are purposefully designed to have a chance to get good items so people actually enjoy getting them. They are purposefully balanced to give good rewards without including items key for progression. That said, I do plan to tweak this balance in a future update (and continually tweak as needed).

Q. Where is the lexica botania why is it disabled?

A. As the pack makes significant changes to recipes and other mechanics. The lexica botania was removed due to it showing 90% incorrect information. It was just causing confusion for players. All botania information is thoroughly detailed in the quest books magic sections.

Q. Where is the best place to chat about the pack?

A. Discord (HERE).

Q. Can I use a texture/resourcepack with this modpack?

A. Sure, just make sure to NOT disable or remove the 'essential' texture pack. Just leave it highest priority in your resource packs list, it won't cause any problems.

Q. I removed the texture pack or added one and now the pack won't launch/crashes?

A. You removed the texture pack labeled 'essential' didn't you? Why did you think it was called that? Now you know. You either need to download a fresh copy of the pack or manually edit the options.txt file to add the resource pack back in.

Q. The pack is laggy/I have a lower spec computer, can I still run the pack?

A. A 'lite' version of the pack can be found (HERE). This pack is functionally the same in terms of progression, quests, etc. simply with some client-side removals for smoother performance.

Q. The sky flashes or displays strangely when I use shaders?

A. The botania garden of glass skybox is known to cause issues with some shaders. Notably a flashing skybox. If you are having this issue, you can either turn off sky rendering in video settings or disable it by editing \config\Botania.cfg and changing the line B:fancySkybox.enable= from true to false. A shaders guide can be found (HERE).


Videos & Media


L8Games - Minecraft:



Froggy and Phenix:


Mr Patriotic:



Mr. Ivern:

Xeneros Gaming:

The Sheriff:



Canny Gamer:


The Raven's Flight:




Tired of the same old world gen?

Biomes are varied but not overly hard to find. Awakening modpack uses a set of biomes from Vanilla, Biomes O Plenty, Thaumcraft and the Highlands mod. These have however been edited using Climate Control. Biome sizes have been reduced giving more variation over a smaller area. Certain biomes have been removed and custom tree spawning has been setup so you shouldn’t have multiple variants of the same trees/woods. Rivers have been widened to allow for more bridge building as well as having flowing streams both above and below ground using the Streams mod. Underground variation is catered for by Underground Biomes Constructs and WTF Cave Biomes not to mention a completely overhauled ore generation and mob depth system (more on this later). Want to build your home on a flying mountain? No problem!






Tired of the same old mobs?

Awakening modpack was designed to be a challenge but not too hardcore. We wanted a variety of mobs but not an abundance of OP mobs. We wanted the player to be scared like that first night the first time you played Minecraft, but not constantly terrified for their life. Mobs spawn more frequently but are more dangerous at depth. Mobs also have custom drops using the Mob Properties mod. Plus, there are a few hidden mini bosses that you will have to try and find…





Tired of the same old ores?

Minecraft is a game about crafting and mining right? Well let’s be honest the mining part can get boring especially if there are only a few different ores to find. Luckily Awakening completely overhauls the mining experience with more ores, gems and other goodies than you can shake a stick at! 65 overworld mineables, 27 nether mineables and 4 end mineables (at last count) will keep you digging them holes for weeks, and that’s not even counting all the different stone, sand, dirt, grass and gravel types to dig up. Harder ores are setup to be rarer so you will have to search for them but not too hard (remember ore is plentiful down deep where the stronger monsters lurk). Uni Dict helps make sure you only get one type of each material, no more three different kinds of copper after you run it through your machines.





Custom dungeons with custom mobs hidden throughout the overworld and the nether with give adventurers plenty to do. Custom chest loot and mob drops also mean chests aren’t just filled with useless crap, and are actually exciting to find.





Budding builders will have a raft of materials at their disposal. With many varying stone and wood types throughout the world, not to mention Chisel, Wallpaper Craft and Ztones, you will have no trouble building whatever you can imagine. Don’t forget to decorate with Decocraft, interiors can look as good as exteriors. And with Architecture Craft and Carpenters Blocks to play with you don’t just have to use boring blocks anymore!




Ever find yourself just running around with a stack of bread in your inventory for food? Well no more. Awakening opts for a slightly harder food system, but not one that is annoying or massively hardcore or time consuming. The idea is that you will want to craft different foods rather than being forced to. Food variation comes from Pam’s Harvestcraft, with food settings being setup by Apple Core and The Spice of Life. For the rancher, animals will eat food left on the ground. Many animals start off wild and must be bred to improve their level of domestication and drops.



Tech & Magic

Tech and magic go hand in hand in this pack. You will need to follow both paths to build many things in the pack.




Custom crafting is designed to merge mods together, requiring items from a mixture of mods. This is designed to get people to try mods they may not have used before but not to be overly difficult. Remember to use NEI as many recipes may be changed (WIP).



Full Mod List

*All screenshots were taken during BETA development and may vary from newer releases.

Note: This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.