Modpack Automaton by rg_texa

  • Automaton by rg_texa

    A small Minecraft 1.12.2 questing modpack focused on Immersive Engineering and Mekanism
    • 220829
    • 2.37 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 5, 2018
    • March 22, 2019
    • Exploration
      Small / Light
Modpack Information
DescriptionA small Minecraft 1.12.2 questing modpack focused on Immersive Engineering and Mekanism
InformationDownloads: 220829
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 2.37 MB
Updated at: March 22, 2019
Created at: January 5, 2018
Small / Light

Automaton Logo


Automaton is a highly focused modpack intended to encourage factory building and automation using large multiblock machines.


Automaton is a questing modpack with over 200 quests guiding you through the major pieces of the pack, but only 98 mods, meaning it's lightweight and quick.


  • You'll start off with early game and the Furnus mod for ore doubling before moving on to Immersive Engineering to ramp up your resource production.
  • Once you gain access to steel, you'll unlock even more power production options from Immersive Petroleum and Immersive Tech.
  • Once you have infrastructure, you'll gain access to Applied Energistics 2 to help you organize your resources and kickstart your automation.
  • Move on up to Mekanism so you can start miniaturizing your infrastructure and gaining access to more powerful resource processing including up to 5x ore processing and a Fusion Reactor to produce massive amounts of power.
  • Along the way, play with Viescraft for exploring the world, Waystones for quick transportation around the world, and Roguelike Dungeons for challenging excursions.
  • Additionally, you'll be able to implement Environmental Tech void miners and solar arrays.
  • Your factory will look great thanks to cosmetic mods like Chisel, Chisels and Bits, Platforms, Blockcraftery, and Inspirations.



If the questbook appears blank or missing quests, please run the command "/bq_admin default load" to reload the quest database.


Build Highlight

