Modpack Chroma Technology by Gogo08190

  • Chroma Technology by Gogo08190

    Chroma Technology is a progression modpack for playing with your favorite 1.12.2 mods
    • 59357
    • 43.22 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • July 7, 2020
    • April 14, 2021
    • Extra Large
    Chroma Technology
Modpack Information
NameChroma Technology
DescriptionChroma Technology is a progression modpack for playing with your favorite 1.12.2 mods
InformationDownloads: 59357
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 43.22 MB
Updated at: April 14, 2021
Created at: July 7, 2020
Extra Large

Chroma Technology strives to bring a new modpack experience. Multiple craft have been changed to be able to move slowly towards the end game.


Featuring a unique collection of mods like AmbientSounds, Galacticraft and ExtraPlanets, Gravitation Suit, Modular Powersuits and more, on top of classics such as IC2, BuildCraft, Twilight Forest, AE2, and their add-ons, you have a lot to expect.


With a unique collection of over 300 mods, 1000+ quests, optimized & configured gameplay, and more surprises.Chroma Technology strives to provide the best playing experience.

  • The recommended RAM allocation for the pack is 7-8GB

    • Computers with only 8GB of RAM: make sure to close any other open browser or major programs while running the pack


If you're interested in hosting a server for Chroma Technology, click the image below!

 Click on the picture above, select plan(at least 5GB),

use my code CHROMATECH to get 25% off your first month, and enjoy playing with your friends!







A Modpack by: Gogo08, Nolifertu, Koepss