Modpack Cogs, Trains, and MORE by mobmasher21

  • Cogs, Trains, and MORE by mobmasher21

    Automate things that could never be automated by making complex mechanical contraptions by connecting power generators and mechanical devices together with a variety of cogs and bets.
    • 14.64 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • February 28, 2023
    • February 28, 2023
    • Vanilla+
    Cogs, Trains, and MORE
Modpack Information
NameCogs, Trains, and MORE
DescriptionAutomate things that could never be automated by making complex mechanical contraptions by connecting power generators and mechanical devices together with a variety of cogs and bets.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 14.64 MB
Updated at: February 28, 2023
Created at: February 28, 2023


This is a mod pack that is built around Create Mod by simibubi. Along with having that, there are also has may create add-ons made by other creators. There is also a few QOL mod like JEI and Apple Skin to make the new items easier to understand. This mod pack has everything from the ability to build chocolate factories to the ability to build advanced artillery. And everywhere in between.


  • Using aspects of create allows you to build complex contraptions that let you automate things that would need to be done manually in the past. 
  • Create confectionary allows you to make many types of chocolate giving almost 50 new food items to the game.
  • Build train networks that allow you to move thousands of items across hundreds of block and even across dimensions.
  • Use the storage drawer mod to revolutionize your storage system and have huge automated storage systems that automatically sort your items into their correct drawers.
  • Craft jetpacks and scuba suits to revolutionize the way you see the world
  • Pick a class with unique abilities using the origins mod allowing you to experience the game in different ways.



List of mods