Modpack Create Amalgalitch by Agent

  • Create Amalgalitch by Agent

    This is a fun modpack centered all round the create with 3 chapters of quests to guide you along the way. Be creative and as imaginative as you want while using this mod whether that be with friends or by yourself.
    • 825.25 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • April 18, 2023
    • April 21, 2023
    • Tech
    Create Amalgalitch
Modpack Information
NameCreate Amalgalitch
DescriptionThis is a fun modpack centered all round the create with 3 chapters of quests to guide you along the way. Be creative and as imaginative as you want while using this mod whether that be with friends or by yourself.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 825.25 KB
Updated at: April 21, 2023
Created at: April 18, 2023

Hello and welcome to my mod pack Create Amalgalitch

In this mod pack, you are encouraged to go to the deepest corners of your mind and use that to build whatever you want or if you're more of a quest-oriented type of person we have that too inside of this mod pack


Some features that are included in this mod pack are more create compatibility with some of the most popular create add-ons and other mods, and

there is a complete revamp to how you collect ores and use them. Here is a list of some more features:

  • new armors
  • new weapons 
  • new ranged weapons that are created using create
  • the ability to traverse new planets
  • And a whole ton of new foods that are made with create that you can you to make your chef dreams come true  All of these features are here to take the limit cap off of what you can make in Minecraft and allow all players no matter the play style to enjoy

    Now while playing this remember, this mod pack is still beta and we will do our best to find any bugs and fix them

    have an amazing day!! :D

For now, if you have any further questions refer to my discord here: My discord server