Modpack Enigmatica 2 Expert Unofficial - E2Eu by Pansmith

  • Enigmatica 2 Expert Unofficial - E2Eu by Pansmith

    Fork of E2E, updating mods and adding qol
    • 3659
    • 22.01 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • March 16, 2023
    • June 18, 2023
    • Exploration
    Enigmatica 2 Expert Unofficial - E2Eu
Modpack Information
NameEnigmatica 2 Expert Unofficial - E2Eu
DescriptionFork of E2E, updating mods and adding qol
InformationDownloads: 3659
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 22.01 MB
Updated at: June 18, 2023
Created at: March 16, 2023


Enigmatica 2 Expert Unofficial, or E2EU for short, is a fork of E2E that updates and replaces mods, as well as adding some qol. So, lets cover what E2EU brings to the table, from content to quests.

First and foremost, Multiblocked replaces Modular Machinary. These new machines can have their hatches be placed wherever the player desires, as well as wallsharing now being an option. All of the Modular Machinary Multis have been converted over to Multiblocked, as well as a new multiblock joining the foray.

The Creative Tank Replicator does exactly what the name implies, allowing the player to be able to easily create more creative tanks after the first one, eliminating the annoyance of having to Black Hole Tank Fluidlaser everything.

Moving over to storage, ae2 has been replaced with ae2 extended life, bringing all the qol features it has, as well disabling channels. Alongside that, Packaged Extended Crafting and Packaged Astrial are now part of the pack, making automating those mods much easier. AE2 Fluid Crafting Reworked also joined the pack, making fluid crafting a reality.

Drawers also got updated, with framed drawers being added, now allowing you frame all the drawers, making your base look even better. A hand framing recipe has also been implented, so you can easily frame your drawers on the fly.

Aquatic Acrobatics is another new mod, bringing back 1.13’s swimming and crawling mechanics, both of which have been suprisingly useful in the skyblock version.

Wrapping up new content mods, Seared Ladders have been backported, a nice little quality of life for those falling into their smelteries often.

On the side of forks, Better Questing Unofficial, Mekanism Community Edition, and Had Enough Items bring in their features and fixes, along side other mods like Universial Tweaks to keep the game faster and load times quicker.

The questbook has also been expanded, with an all new AE2 chapter, covering AE2, Packaged auto and its addons, and Fluid Crafting. Multiblocked also gains a chapter as well, helping tie things together. Various other quests have been added and adjusted, with some gaining video links to help explain setups and other things futher.

HEI has also been futher cleaned up, with filled tanks, cells, tools and otherwise being hidden.

For those coming from a prexisting save of E2E, a special conversion version can be used to allow them to convert their deprecated items to the new items before moving over, rather than having new players having loadtimes decreased by mods they cannot use. Like mentioned before, a skyblock verison of E2EU also exists, and converting works the same way.

With all that being said, E2EU and E2EUS are now on Curseforge, so go check them out.

Skyblock Mode

Permission Image

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