Modpack Guns&Cars Mine by ORAMBOAS

  • Guns&Cars Mine by ORAMBOAS

    Modpack for Malinovka map
    • 69928
    • 181.88 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • December 10, 2020
    • September 14, 2023
    • Combat / PvP
      Map Based
      Mini Game
    Guns&Cars Mine
Modpack Information
NameGuns&Cars Mine
DescriptionModpack for Malinovka map
InformationDownloads: 69928
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 181.88 MB
Updated at: September 14, 2023
Created at: December 10, 2020
Combat / PvP
Map Based
Mini Game

This modpack based on specific map build by our team - Malinovka. There you can fight with your friend in multiplayer. To win you need steal 3 batteries from enemy base and install in specific place at bunker in the middle of the map. On map you fine many different locations with random loot and cars in different places, and other things
Modpack includes map. (All pictures not in English, but most of them)

Vic's Modern Warfare Mod
Little Tiles
MrCrayfish's viechles

and more...

Этот модпак предназначен для карты - Малиновка, на которой вы сможете сразиться с вашими друзьями в онлайне! Для победы вам необходимо украсть 3 батарейки с базы противника и принести в центр карты, также на карте много разных локаций с рандомным лутом и спрятанными машинами. 
В модпак уже включена карта!


Vic's Modern Warfare Mod
Little Tiles
MrCrayfish's viechles

и другие...


Video (Russian but you can see gameplay):