Modpack SCP - Simple Create Pack by SirQuackington

  • SCP - Simple Create Pack by SirQuackington

    A Modpack, to enhance the already existing gameplay features of vanilla Minecraft
    • 356.47 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • July 2, 2022
    • July 7, 2022
    • Vanilla+
    SCP - Simple Create Pack
Modpack Information
NameSCP - Simple Create Pack
DescriptionA Modpack, to enhance the already existing gameplay features of vanilla Minecraft
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 356.47 KB
Updated at: July 7, 2022
Created at: July 2, 2022

SCP - Simple Create Pack


This Modpack aims to be a close to vanilla Minecraft Modpack, therefore not many complex Mods are added.
Only the already existing Gameplay features of Minecraft are either enhanced,
extended or some usability Mods are added for be more comfortable.


For the more experienced modded Minecraft players, this Modpack might not satisfy your desire of complexity and/or longevity in content.



Whats the main purpose of this Modpack?


The Reason is, to give some fresh Minecraft players, the opportunity to get in touch with Mods, without to get overwhelmed by the new Features, Blocks, Entities and so on.
I've tried to enhance the already known Gameplay Features of Minecraft, like exploring, Mining and of all, Crafting.
Every one of those Gameplay Features, i've tried to enhance and extend the possibilities, and i would like to take a look in how this Modpack extends those Features with light weight mods.





Mining might be the most important Gameplay Loops of Minecraft.
No matter how many Mods you install, nearly every new World starts with gathering and mining the first resources.
Ofcourse, there are some Mods, that changes the Gameplay totally or changes the way you progress, but as i stated earlier, i wanted to keep a close to vanilla Minecraft experience.


There are several Mods out there to enhance on the Feature to mine your resources, but i wanted to keep it simple and did not want to introduce too many new items and ores.
Therefore i've choosen "Silent Gears" as a light weight Mod for more Tools for many different purposes, as of mining, lumbering or harvesting.


The big benefit is, that the player does not have to understand new mechanics to get a grasp of how more different tools would increase their comfort in getting their resources.


This Mod adds blueprints, to craft different tool parts and by combining them, the player can craft many different tools.
Those parts can be crafted from nearly any material and different parts of different materials can be combined, to get the benefit of each material.
I wont go into any further details, as this would be too much, and most Mods come with their own guide book, to help the players to get started with the mod.





Every Player will go out and explore the vast Lands their very own world has to offer, and i wanted to extend on that.

In my opinion, the world is so vast and endless, but at the same time so vastly and endlessly empty
I think, everybody would expect some more points of interest scattered in the world to explore, to loot or to faught against.

There are many points of interest, but everyone might have already found them, explored the crap out those sites and might be already bored of them.
Thats were i would introduce "Dungeons Arise", a Mod, that at a ton of new points of interest to look out for and to discover.
It adds those to the nether and the End Highlands too.



Crafting / Automation


Crafting is the core principle of Minecraft, and to enhance on this feature, is mostly impossible. Therefore the next logical step, to enhance on that, is to think about automation.
Just to craft a cake, is a pretty tedious task, that some automation would come in handy.
Luckily there is a Mod out there, that lets you automate nearly any task, a player could have.
From harvesting, to mining, to crafting. Everything but exploring could be automated with it.

The Mod "Create" is in my humble opinion one of the best Mods out there. It does adds a lot of new Blocks, Items and mechanics, but none of those are neccessary to play this Modpack.
As of everything until now, those Mods are just an addition and are not forced to be used, its up to the player, to encorporate those Mods and features, to make your time more enjoyable.
The same is for Create, it does mostly add new Content to decrease your manual labour during your playtime.
It would increase the lenght of this description to any unfeasable extend as it is already, therefore i would just reference to the Mod description for more details.





As every Minecraft player, none of us can part with his treasures and all that he has looted. Therefore the only logical solution is to increase our storage capacity.
In vanilla Minecraft, this means walls of chests and no to none sorting. This results mostly (unless they are capable of huge and complex redstone contraptions) long and tedious searches for our stuff.
To increase the storage capacity, i would like to introduce "Sophisticated Storage" & "Sophisticated Backpacks".
Both from the same author add fancier chests and barrels and for long expeditions special backpacks.
Those Chests, Barrels and Backpacks can be upgraded in tiers, for more storage capacity and more functionality, which come in very handy.

Additionally i've added another Mod, to enhance your storage even further. To avoid looking in every chest, to find what you are looking for,
you can link all your chests together to a network and have a centralized access point, to manage all your beloved belongings.<br/>Thats accomplished by "Simple Storage Network", it adds many further features, like automated insertion/sorting into your already destined chests.
The best part is, you wont need to rebuild all your storage, you just cable them up, to a central terminal and have access to all of them.



What else is in there?


I've just listed the mods, that i wanted to include at any cost. But i have added several more Mods, mostly for increasing the usability like Inventory tweaks of sorting chests and your inventory.
Or added Rubidium and Oculus for Shaderpacks (which are totally optional, everything works fine with and without shaders), added JEI for recipe references and many more.
A full list, of all Mods will be added at the end of the description.

I've also added some Mods to extend the content for anyone, who has everything and the best of the best tools and armors.
I'm talking of being creative. I've added several decorations Mods.



Under development


This pack is by no means at its final stage and might be updated and changed at any time.
I dont gurantee, that there are no errors by misconfigured mods or any incompatiblities between some or all of the mods installed.
I also dont gurantee to fix those issues imedietly or as fast as possible.

This Modpack was originally created as a Project, to give some of my friends the opportunity to get in touch with Minecraft Mods.
I'm very sorry in advance, if you encounter any Bugs or Errors, and therefore this Modpack resolves to be unplayable for you.
But please be aware, that this is my first Project and I am by no means an experienced Modpack author.

It is FTP Quest installed, and i had planned to add quest, for some guidance, but i cant gurantee, that those will ever be added.





Logo was made with Texcraft