Modpack Star Wars Conquest by theminersleague2020

  • Star Wars Conquest by theminersleague2020

    Star Wars: Conquest is a sci-fi, tech modpack. Play solo, or join our official, dedicated server (IP included) which has tons of stuff to do! Travel to new worlds, complete quests, forge your own lightsabers, and build your own ship as you explore a galaxy
    • 391427
    • 66.67 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • August 17, 2017
    • January 9, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Combat / PvP
    Star Wars Conquest
Modpack Information
NameStar Wars Conquest
DescriptionStar Wars: Conquest is a sci-fi, tech modpack. Play solo, or join our official, dedicated server (IP included) which has tons of stuff to do! Travel to new worlds, complete quests, forge your own lightsabers, and build your own ship as you explore a galaxy
InformationDownloads: 391427
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 66.67 MB
Updated at: January 9, 2023
Created at: August 17, 2017
Adventure and RPG
Combat / PvP



A galaxy far, far away meets Minecraft!


Includes The best high-tiered Star Wars mods...
* Legends Starwars mod
* Parzi's Star Wars Mod
* Warpdrive


...and nearly 80 other mods, including...
* Custom NPCS
* SGCraft
* Big Reactors
* Matter Overdrive


Modpack Description

Star Wars: Conquest is a sci-fi, tech modpack. Play solo, or join our official, dedicated server (IP included) which has tons of stuff to do! Travel to new worlds, complete quests, forge your own lightsabers, and build your own ship as you explore a galaxy far, far away!nce.


Official server included in server list and title screen!


Social Media







Things to Know

* Recommend 2-4 GBs of ram
* Please submit crash reports on our Discord!
* Fully-supported Official Server included!


Mods List

* Actually Additions
by ellpeck

* Advanced Solar Panel For 1.7.10 (Unofficial)
by jarviceone

* AE2 Stuff
by bdew

* AgriCraft
by infinityraider

* Applied Energistics 2
by algorithmx2

* ArmorStatusHUD
by bspkrs

* Armourer's Workshop
by riskyken

* BdLib
by bdew

* Better Builder's Wands
by portablejim

* BetterFps
by guichaguri

* Big Reactors
by erogenousbeef

* Brewcraft
by _ForgeUser11063544

* Buildcraft
by covert_jaguar

* Carpenter's Blocks
by _ForgeUser7446961

* ChickenChunks
by chicken_bones

* Chisel
by tterrag1098

* CodeChickenCore
by chicken_bones

* CoFH Core
by teamcofh

* Controlling
by jaredlll08

* Crafting Tweaks
by blaytheninth

* CraftTweaker
by jaredlll08

* Custom Loading Screen
by alexiil

* Custom Main Menu
by lumien231

* Custom NPCs
by noppes_

* Dumb Library
by wyn_price

* Ender Storage
by chicken_bones

* EnderCore
by tterrag1098

* EnderIO Unofficial
by zokonius

* Excore
by elix_x

* Extra Utilities
by rwtema

* ExtraCells 2 Patched
by kmecpp

* Fast Leaf Decay
by olafskiii

* Foam​Fix
by asiekierka

* Forge Multi Part
by chicken_bones

* Immersive Engineering
by blusunrize

* Industrial Craft
by sfplayer1

* IvToolkit
by ivorforce

* JourneyMap
by techbrew

* Legends Mod
by tihyo

* LLibrary
by _ForgeUser11902522

* LookingGlass
by xcompwiz

* LunatriusCore
by lunatrius

* MalisisCore
by ordinastie

* MalisisDoors
by ordinastie

* Mantle
by mdiyo

* Matter Overdrive: 1.7 Edition
by simeonradivoev

* McJtyLib
by mcjty

* Mekanism Patched
by kmecpp

* Minefactory Reloaded
by skyboy026

* Modular Powersuits
by machinemuse

* Mouse Tweaks
by yalter

* NetherOres
by skyboy026

* NetherPortalFix
by blaytheninth

* NotEnoughItems
by chicken_bones

* Numina
by machinemuse

* Open Modular Turrets
by keridos

* OpenBlocks
by openmods

* OpenComputers
by sangar_

* OpenModsLib
by openmods

* Ore Excavation
by funwayguy

* Parzi's Star Wars Mod
by parzivail

* Player API
by Forge_User_03353248

* PneumaticCraft
by Forge_User_59359881

* Practical Logistics
by sonar_sonic

* Progressive Automation
by Forge_User_98128854

* PSWM-Fix
by kb1000

* ReAuth
by technicianlp

* Recurrent Complex Unofficial
by miradae

* Resource Loader
by lumien231

* SecretRoomsMod
by abrarsyed

* Security Craft
by geforce132

* SG Craft
by gcewing

* Solar Expansion
by Forge_User_19982668

* Sonar Core
by sonar_sonic

* StatusEffectHUD
by bspkrs

* stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict
by Forge_User_08823382

* Thermal Dynamics
by teamcofh

* Thermal Expansion
by teamcofh

* Thermal Foundation
by teamcofh

* Waila
by profmobius

* Waila Harvestability
by squeek502

* WarpDrive
by lemadec

* Wawla - What Are We Looking At
by darkhaxdev