Modpack The Enchanted Oasis Plus by iJordi_
- 28909
- 22.34 MB
- 1.7.10
- November 21, 2017
- April 10, 2018
- Adventure and RPGExplorationMagicTech
Name | The Enchanted Oasis Plus |
Author | iJordi_ |
Description | A Magical world of Nature with lots of Exploration and a spice of Tech |
Information | Downloads: 28909 Version: 1.7.10 Size: 22.34 MB Updated at: April 10, 2018 Created at: November 21, 2017 |
Tags | Adventure and RPG Exploration Magic Tech |
This Project is no longer being updated or supported.
Recommended amount of RAM: 4GB+ (should work with less, you'll have to try)
Any issues can be reported here
- Playable in either Singleplayer or Multiplayer.
- Server files will be available so you can host your own server.
- Beautiful landscapes to see thanks to Biomes O'Plenty, the Aether II and Twilight Forest.
- Aesthetic mods for all your building needs
- Lots of animals to pet! (or run away from)
- Be the witch/wizard you have always wanted to be!
- An alphabetical mods list in the pack's description! (Yes I actually am crazy enough to type it out)
- My promise that the pack will always be updated as soon as possible if something breaks
Enchanted Oasis Plus is a modpack inspired by IHasCupquake's original series that was set in 1.6.4.
This modpack is our version of the original Enchanted Oasis, with lots and lots more; a new world full of adventure, exploration, magic and a hint of technology.
Looking for a more lightweight version, which is also closer to the original series? Check out this version of the pack: Enchanted Oasis
Set in 1.7.10, Enchanted Oasis features a wide variety of mods to help turn your nature-filled adventure into a magical paradise!
Pet some of the many animals from Mo' Creatures.
Forge your tools and weapons in Tinkers Construct.
Learn spells and suit all your other wizardry needs with Thaumcraft, Witchery, and Ars Magica.
Then use it all to help yourself explore challenging dungeons, interesting landscapes and the mysterious worlds of the Twilight Forest and the Aether.
And this is just a few of the mods that this modpack has to offer. Full (alphabetical) list below:
Adventure Backpack by JavierDarkona
AE2 Stuff by bdew
Aether Aspects by brenwwe
Airbreather Core by AirBreather
AnimationAPI by thehippomaster21
AppleMilkTea2 by RazzleberryFox
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
Aquaculture by Shadowclaimer
ArchitectureCraft by gcewing
Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
Aroma1997s Dimensional World by Aroma1997
AromaBackup by Aroma1997
Ars Magica 2 by Torarion
BdLib by bdew
BetterAchievements by Way2muchnoise
BetterFPS by Guichaguri
Bibliocraft by JDSinclair (+ BiomesOPlenty, Forestry & Natura Edition)
Binnie's Mods by Binnie567
Biomes O'Plenty by Glitchfiend
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Botania by Vazkii
Butterfly Mania by TyronX
Carpenter's Blocks by Syntaxial
Chest Transporter by CubeX2
Chisel by tterrag1098
CodeChickenCore by Chicken_Bones
CoFH Core by TeamCoFH
Colourful Portals by Tmtravlr
Controlling by jaredlll08
Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinthCopious Dogs by SnubMansters
Cosmetic Armor Reworked by ZLainSama
CraftTweaker by jaredlll08
CreativeCore by CreativeMD
Custom Main Menu by Lumien231
Custom Mob Spawner by DrZharkCustom NPCs by Noppes
D3Core by DoubleDoorDevelopment
DaVincing by Two
DecoCraft 2 by RazzleberryFox
Default Options by BlayTheNinth
Dense Ores by RWTema
Doggy Talents by Percivalalb
Doomlike Dungeons by BlackJar72
Doors O'Plenty by murded1
Dynamic Surroundings by OreCrusher
EnchantingPlus by darkh4x
Ender Storage by chicken_bones
EnderCore by tterrag1098
Enhanced Portals 3 by Alz454
ExCore by elix_x
Extra Utilities by RWTema
ExtraCells2 by Destroyer7128
ExtraTiC by JeanGlassmaker
Fairy Factions by allaryin
Fast Leaf Decay by Olafskii
FastCraft by Player
Forbidden Magic by Assassinfox
Forestry by SirSengir
FTB Utilities by FTB
Garden Stuff by jaquadro
Gilded Games Util by GildedGamesGraveStone Mod by EuhDawson
GreenThumb by DoubleDoorDevelopment
Grimoire of Gaia by Silentine
GTFO by Reign of Magic
Hardcore Ender Expansion by Chylex
Hats by iChun
iChunUtil by Ichun
IguanasTinkerTweaks by bonusboni
In-Game Wiki by MineMaarten
Inventory Pets by Purplicious_Cow
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
Iron Chests by progwml6
IvToolkit by IvorForce
Jabba by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
Kleeslabs by BlayTheNinth
LittleTiles by CreativeMD
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
Magical Crops by Mark719
MalisisCore by Ordinasty
MalisisDoors by Ordinasty
Mantle by mDiyo
Metallurgy by JeanGlassmaker (+MetallurgyCore & Metallurgy Chisel)
MCA by WildBamaBoy
Mo' Creatures by DrZhark
ModTweaker by jaredlll08
More Player Models by Noppes
More Shearables by LellsonMorph by iChun
Morpheus by Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
Mystcraft by XCompWiz
Natura by mDiyo
NotEnoughIDs by fewizz
NotEnoughItems by Chicken_Bones
NotEnoughKeys by dmodoomsirius
NotEnoughResources by Way2muchnoise
Official MaplePets by MoonlightRoses
OpenBlocks by OpenMods
OpenModsLib by OpenMods
Pam's Harvestcraft by MatrexsVigil
Pam's Weee! Flowers by MatrexsVigil
Pig Manure by AirBreather
Portal Gun by iChun
ProjectE by sinkillerj
ProjectE Aether Addon by sinkillerj
RadixCore by WildBamaBoy
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
ReAuth by TechnicianLP
Resource Loader by Lumien231RogueLike Dungeons by Greymerk
Silent's Gems by SilentChaos512
Soul Shards by SgtPunishment
Sound Filters by tmtravlr
Stacy's Wolves by SnowShock35
stimmedcow by Oliv1er
Storage Drawers by jaquadro (+ BiomesOPlenty & Forestry & Natura & Misc Packs)
Style by TheGoldenVane
Super Crafting Frame by Edgar_Allen
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects by Parker8283
Thaumcraft Node Tracker by Dyonovan
Thaumic Energistics by Nvidica
Thaumic Equivalence by Lilylicious
Thaumic Tinkerer by nekosune
The Aether II by GildedGames
The Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Thermal Dynamics by TeamCoFH
Thermal Expansion by TeamCoFH
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
TiC ToolTips by squeek502
Tinkers Construct by mDiyo
UniDict by WanionCane
Vending Block by kamildanak
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
WallpaperCraft by Echo_x
Wawla by darkh4x
Weapon Case Loot by Winter_Grave
Wings, Horns & Hooves by KaneApollo
Witchery by Emoniph
Wolf Armor & Storage by CenturionFox
Enchanted Oasis is a world filled with Nature's Magic enough to keep you active for a long time!
0.5 Beta
* First Release
0.6 Beta
* Updated configs
+ Added Mystcraft
+ Added Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
+ Added Thaumcraft Node Tracker
+ Added Aether Aspects
+ Added ProjectE Aether Addon
- Removed GraveStones (Since OpenBlocks adds the same)
0.7 Beta
+ Added Dynamic Surroundings
+ Added Enhanced Portals 3 (Uses no power; power gen is not this packs main focus, so make all the portals you need)
+ Added Hardcore Ender Expansion
+ Added Custom Main Menu
+ Added ResourceLoader
* Made a custom main menu
0.8 Beta
+ Added FastCraft
+ Added BetterFPS
+ Added DoomLikeDungeons
- Removed CopiousDogs (due to Doggy Styles doing a better job)
- Removed MaplePets
- Removed Morph (because of crashes)
- Removed RogueLikeDungeons (replaced with DoomLikeDungeons)
- Removed CustomNPCs
* Updated mods (MorePlayerModels, DoggyTalents, InventoryPets, DynamicSurroundings)
* Tweaked configs for better performance
* Made power gen a bit harder to make magic more prominent.
* Made vanilla tools weaker, to make modded (Tinkers) tools more useful.
*Customized ore generation to distribute ores better (hopefully, might need some tweaks)
* Pack should now work with optifine (results vary per pc. Download optifine from their site)
* update + add - remove