Modpack The Trial of God by YiChen_chen
- 60941
- 82.94 MB
- 1.12.2
- April 21, 2019
- February 4, 2022
- MagicQuestsSkyblockTech
Modpack Information
Name | The Trial of God |
Author | YiChen_chen |
Description | skyblock | Without Ex Nihilo | tech | magic | 200mods | for MC 1.12 |
Information | Downloads: 60941 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 82.94 MB Updated at: February 4, 2022 Created at: April 21, 2019 |
Tags | Magic Quests Skyblock Tech |
The modpack had its genesis comes from Ultimate Alchemy, which is a nice modpack. However the magic stuff it have done is not enough for me, so the modpack was created.
There's no mods like general sky island modpack added as well, so all the resources we'll get start with is only obtainable by magic ways, such as Astral Sorcery, Botania, Blood Magic and Thaumcraft.
Despite superficially surrounded by such an amount of magic, it is also steeped in a scientific worldview.
If you got stuck and wondered how to get through the early stages, or confused by some mods, welcome to join our discord server.
- Actually Additions
- Advanced Solar Panels
- Advanced Rocketry
- ae2 stuff
- AE2WTLib
- Akashic Tome
- AppleCore
- AppleSkin
- applied energistics
- astral sorcery
- AutoRegLib
- base
- Baubles
- bdlib
- BetterAdvancements
- BetterBuildersWands
- BetterQuesting
- blockdrops
- BloodArsenal
- BloodMagic
- BNBGamingCore
- BNBGamingLib
- bonsaitrees
- Bookshelf
- Botania
- botanianeedsit
- botaniatweaks
- BrandonsCore
- Building Gadgets
- Chameleon
- Chisel
- Clumps
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFHCore
- CoFHWorld
- ColorblindHelper
- CommonCapabilities
- Compact Machines
- ContentTweaker
- Controlling
- CraftingTweaks
- CraftTweaker
- Cucumber
- Cuisine
- CustomMainMenu
- CyclopsCore
- DimensionStages
- Draconic-Evolution
- EmbersRekindled
- EnderCore
- EnderIO
- EnderIO endergy
- EnderStorage
- EvilCraft
- ExtendedCrafting
- extrautils
- Extreme Reactors
- FastLeafDecay
- foamfix
- forestry
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- ForgivingVoid
- FTBLib
- FTBUtilities
- FTBUtilitiesBackups
- GameStages
- Guide-API
- HammerCore
- i18nupdatemod
- ImmersiveEngineering
- immersivepetroleum
- immersivetech
- industrialcraft
- industrialforegoing
- InGameInfoXML
- instantunify
- IntegratedCrafting
- IntegratedDynamics
- IntegratedTunnels
- IntegratedTerminals
- InventoryTweaks
- jei
- jeiintegration
- JustEnoughCharacters
- Just Enough Energistics (JEE)
- JustEnoughResources
- kiwi
- LibrarianLib
- Lib Vulpes
- LunatriusCore
- manatweaks
- Mantle
- MatterOverdrive
- mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Tools
- Mekanism Generators
- MobStages
- modtweaker
- Modular Diversity
- Modular Machinery
- MouseTweaks
- MrTJPCore
- MTLib
- Mystical Mechanics
- MysticalAgriculture
- NaturesAura
- Neat
- Not Enough Wands
- Overloaded
- p455w0rd's Library
- Patchouli
- plustic
- pressure
- PrimalCore
- ProjectE
- ProjectRed-Base
- ProjectRed-compat
- ProjectRed-fabrication
- ProjectRed-integration
- Psi
- QuantumStorage
- RandomThings
- RebornCore
- RecipeStages
- RedstoneArsenal
- RedstoneFlux
- Reliquary
- ResearchTable
- ResourceLoader
- rftools
- Random PSIdeas
- Ruins
- SmoothFont
- StandardExpansion
- StorageDrawers
- Surge
- TConstruct
- techguns
- Tech Reborn
- tesla-core-lib
- Thaumcraft
- ThaumicAdditions
- ThaumicJEI
- theoneprobe
- ThermalExpansion
- ThermalDynamics
- ThermalFoundation
- tinkerio
- tinkersjei
- TinkerToolLeveling
- tombstone
- topaddons
- Translocators
- Triumph
- UNiDict
- Void Island Control
- WanionLib
- WirelessCraftingTerminal
- WrapUp
- xnet
- Xtones
- zenstages
- ZeroCore