Modpack Villager Life 2 by Final272

  • Villager Life 2 by Final272

    A mod pack which contains city building elements as well as automation and magic
    • 19.71 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • January 1, 2023
    • August 31, 2023
    • Magic
      Map Based
      Adventure and RPG
    Villager Life 2
Modpack Information
NameVillager Life 2
DescriptionA mod pack which contains city building elements as well as automation and magic
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 19.71 MB
Updated at: August 31, 2023
Created at: January 1, 2023
Map Based
Adventure and RPG

This mod has my usual quality of life mods that has been updated to the version of 1.18.2! This is a more multiplayer friendly modpack for servers and personal use. Of course has all the lazy player friendly stuff that will help a player get started on there own village or to help support a friend village.
This modpack highly recommends using the terraforged world generation. As to make the terrain more favorable to players willing to start there own village. We also use Yung's Mods to make the terrain more lively as well adds a large amount of exploration.

This modpack will be released in beta as I continue to test and possibly add more mods in the future.

A world is now available with a good starting seed with pre set server configs that are server friendly. (Values that are adjusted only 30% of players need to sleep to skip the night. Graveyard mod has been set to allow players to crouch over gravestone to collect there items back from death. (this is to prevent items from being locked if a play dies in a mine colonies town.)



Fresh Animations By Fresh__LX (please go support the creator)


Future Plans

-More mods 


Nothing atm! :D


Legal Stuff
      I do not own nor created any of these mods. These mods were made by amazing people who deserve the love and respect that went into there work. I will list all of the mods below including the authors of the mods. I Highly recommend visiting there other works as well as donating to them. If any mod author would like to talk to me feel free to comment me on the curseforge comment section. Because of this I will NOT accept any donations for this modpack or the time I put into coding. If you want to donate please go to the mod authors page and donate to them. ^^


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