Modpack World at War Modern Warfare by intergalactic_lemon

  • World at War Modern Warfare by intergalactic_lemon

    the epic sequel to the World at War mod pack
    • 150.19 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • November 23, 2022
    • November 28, 2022
    • Tech
      Combat / PvP
      Mini Game
    World at War Modern Warfare
Modpack Information
NameWorld at War Modern Warfare
Descriptionthe epic sequel to the World at War mod pack
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 150.19 KB
Updated at: November 28, 2022
Created at: November 23, 2022
Combat / PvP
Mini Game

Focusing on a highly combat focused gameplay cycle the modpack provides many new ways of fighting and the freedom to create unique gamemodes for you and your friends

- This modpack is designed for multiplayer and not single player 
- No matter if its just you and your friends or a full scale server this is the best modpack you can choose to have a modern combat expirence
      the modpack includes

      - security for your bases
      - modern weaponry and vehicles

      - nukes ;)

      - buildcraft

      - small utility mods such as jei and iron chests