Modpack Zombie Apocalypse by LiLRichy

  • Zombie Apocalypse by LiLRichy

    Zombies have taken over! How long can you survive the zombie apocalypse?
    • 113342
    • 4.37 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • May 22, 2015
    • May 29, 2016
    • Adventure and RPG
      Extra Large
    Zombie Apocalypse
Modpack Information
NameZombie Apocalypse
DescriptionZombies have taken over! How long can you survive the zombie apocalypse?
InformationDownloads: 113342
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 4.37 MB
Updated at: May 29, 2016
Created at: May 22, 2015
Adventure and RPG
Extra Large

Zombies have taken over! How long can you survive the zombie apocalypse?


Its the end of the world as we know it and you must survive. You need to protect yourself from the zombie apocalypse. You can use magic or tech to help defend yourself from the never ending onslaught of zombies. The environment is constantly ravaged by storms, the zombies will destroy anything in there way to attack you, and just finding enough food so you don't starve will be a challenging.


This is a very difficult to play pack, you will die  A LOT. 


Server Files can be downloaded HERE!


Any issues, requests, comments, or feedback is welcome and appreciated, and can be sent at this link:


Click here to check out my other projects on curse! WoW addons, Minecraft Modpacks, and my Minecraft Mod.


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Mod List as of 2/14/2016: