Mod [SBM] Bone Torch by BuiltBroken
- 11.63 KB
- 1.20.1
- December 9, 2015
- June 9, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
Name | [SBM] Bone Torch | Author | BuiltBroken | Description | Simple mod to create torches from bones |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 11.63 KB Updated at: June 9, 2023 Created at: December 9, 2015 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Magic |
The idea behind this mod is very simple. I was traveling thru the nether and ran out of torches. Having just used my last wood to makes chests I was doomed. Or was I? I noticed I had coal and bones in my inventory from kill wither skeletons. This gave me the idea, "Why can't I place coal on a bone". 10 mins later Bone Torches were born from my abomination workshop.
Bone + coal -> 4 torches
Bone + charcoal -> 4 torches
Planned Features
* Chisel support
* Support for other bones
* Support for other things than coal
* World gen in the nether in place of normal torches
* Sub colored version for decoration
Single Block Mod
The Single Block Mod series is dedicated to creating a wide range of simple single purpose mods. Focusing for most on having one block/unit of content refined to offer as many options and choices as possible. This makes many of the mods in the series perfect for filling gaps in modpacks. Allowing pack developers to reduce the need to include larger mods to complete a feature list.
See our site for other mods in the series
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