Mod πŸ”¨ Crumbs (Forge) by Trikzon

  • πŸ”¨ Crumbs (Forge) by Trikzon

    Building mod which adds various blocks tuned to fit with vanilla minecraft.
    • 2774538
    • 442.15 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • October 27, 2020
    • March 7, 2021
    • Cosmetic
      World Gen
    πŸ”¨ Crumbs (Forge)
Mod Information
NameπŸ”¨ Crumbs (Forge)AuthorTrikzonDescriptionBuilding mod which adds various blocks tuned to fit with vanilla minecraft.
InformationDownloads: 2774538
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 442.15 KB
Updated at: March 7, 2021
Created at: October 27, 2020
World Gen

Crumbs Banner

Crumbs adds a lot of those blocks that you just feel should be in the game, such as more barrels, some fancy wooden lanterns, bundled logs for making astonishing log cabins, and many more. These will help make your Minecraft builds flourish with more details you never thought would be possible. So why not sweep up some crumbs and get building!


This is also available on Fabric


The cobbled stones are going to be removed in the next version, however here is a data pack to remove them now


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