Mod AE2 Unofficial Extended Life by PrototypeTrousers

  • AE2 Unofficial Extended Life by PrototypeTrousers

    A Fork of a Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
    • 934737
    • 4.03 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 20, 2022
    • August 26, 2023
    • Automation
      Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
      Utility & QoL
    AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
Mod Information
NameAE2 Unofficial Extended LifeAuthorPrototypeTrousersDescriptionA Fork of a Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
InformationDownloads: 934737
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 4.03 MB
Updated at: August 26, 2023
Created at: January 20, 2022
Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Utility & QoL

This is a Fork of "Applied Energistcs 2" since 1.12.2 in no longer supported, and is only here due to modpack makers complaining about issues with CurseForges non-CurseForge mods needing manual approval even with this mod being shown on the list TWICE.


[Source code]( "Source code")


The following changes/fixes/issues may no longer apply to newer version as they probably were fixed/reimplemented/rewritten


Changes so far :

Design changes/breakages:

Interfaces no longer spill items of one pattern on other faces
Interfaces now push patterns in round-robin (Interfaces, then sides)


[*] Fix gregtech machines appearing with 'unnamed' or 'draconium lens' on the interface terminal on specific situations.
[*] Add memorycard support for fluid interfaces, import/export/storage busses and level emitters ( this fix was upstreamed to AE2 for MC 1.16)
[*] Storage busses now hide/show inaccessible items as configured.
[*] Exclusive Blocking mode for GTCE ( shapes, molds and configured circuits do not block GTCE machines )
[*] Blocking modes default to block on any item in the iventory the entity exposes
[*] Fuzzy includes items that report that they're damageable, but report a maxDamage of 0 ( auto-crafting of basic capacitors -> resonant capacitors is now possible ) <- Broken item implementation.
[*] Fix CME exceptions on the energy grid
[*] Fix AE going offline even with enough power by extracting from the local buffer always last
[*] Fix IO-Port copying craftable flag into items
[*] Fix NBT of old items not clearing on drives that reached 64 types once

[*] Backported some security changes to work around the issue of blocks from PackagedAuto and AE2Stuff dropping as items in certain circumstances

[*] Fix autocrafting assuming container items will be returned when used on processing patterns

[*] Fix Matter condenser not replenishing items after extraction without receiving a new item for conversion

[*] Add support for damaged IC2 Items

[*] Increased Internal buffer of ME chest to allow withdraw of more than 40 items at a time.

[*] Fixed auto crafting not recognizing simulated returned items properly (like empty buckets)

[*] backport of #5823 - try emptying interfaces first before handling crafting jobs


[*] - Added @talchas fixes for insane channelless AE networks.
[*] - Implemented StorageDrawers slotless itemrepository.
[*] - Removed CraftedEvent calls (really bad lag with craftweaker versions before CraftTweaker2-1.12-
[*] - Count items set in interfaces before queuing crafting for them needlessly
[*] - Backported b7ca98d ( Avoid copying items on simulated item extraction )
[*] - Cache some level emitters functions
[*] - Reduced import bus insert simulation to 1 before real insertion (if possible)
[*] - Backported itemlist re-implementation along with pattern changes to avoid CraftingManager fallback issues
[*] - Instead of recalculating all the content of the network on every change, track the changes properly and apply them to the cached list of items

[*] - ME autocrafting now uses the cached storage (the same list you see on the terminals) instead of a full network extraction to get the items available



[*] -Added wireless version of Pattern, Fluid and Crafting terminals. Disableable in config.

    * This mod is still compatible with p455w0rd's wireless terminals.

    * Infinite range is obtainable by placing a Quantum link card into an active Quantum Bridge. No need for cards for the terminals

    * Magnet can be configured in a Cell Workbench

[*] - Add support for RecipeStages and ItemStage. - By TheAirBlow

    * You need to add the following into a CraftTweaker script:

         mods.recipestages.Recipes.setPackageStage("appeng", allStages);

[*] - Added Fluid configuration terminal.

[*] - Implemented an Interface configuration terminal
[*] - Memory card can now paste interfaces configured patterns, given the player has BLANK patterns or interface has enough patterns already in it

[*] - Added ability to rename AE Parts and Tiles with a cutting knife (by YoungOnionMC)

[*] - Maximum size of the ME Controller multiblock is now configurable. Thanks (?) to YoungOnionMC.

[*] - Added GTEU p2p. 5% energy tax is deducted as transfer loss.

[*] - blocking mode for sub-networks

       point main network toward sub net for 1:1 or point sub networks toward the main interface for up to 5 sub networks per interface.

       blocks on any item that shows as stored in the subnetwork

[*] - Auto-Crafting of Substitutes.

       Due to confusion of the items marked as missing on the crafting tree, as they would belong to a replacement of an item in the pattern, it default to disabled on config

[*] -N:N P2P

       Additional P2P inputs can be added by holding the memory card on the off hand


[*]- Added highlight interface button to interface terminal ("?" button on the left of the interface slots)
[*] - Added bar on the interface terminal that search by inputs ( The one on the LEFT, also searchs by interface name )
[*] - Shortcut to molecular assemblers with free slots on the terminal interface by @Theisyat
[*] - Toggle button on interface terminal to hide full interfaces
[*] - JEI "U", "R" and "A" (Usages/Recipes/Bookmark) now work on the Crafting Status GUI. ( the one that shows the total items to craft, and whats missing)
[*] - Patterns can now be made with items currently showing on JEI. ( This is overriden by Just Enough Energistics. )
[*] - Added multiplier buttons to processing pattern gui
[*] - Switched crafting terminal JEI search to fuzzy mode. If the recipe uses a damageable item, AE will try to grab it ( damaged tools )
[*] - Encoded patterns stack up to 64 ( holding shift and clicking the encode arrow will transfer the encoded pattern to the player inventory)
[*] - Encoded patterns can be draggred on the interface terminal.
[*] - Storage Monitor and Conversion Monitor now also ccepts fluids
[*] - Draggable JEI ghost items (also works on bookmarked items. SHIFT + Click will move the hovered item into the first free target slot)
[*] - JEI auto switches between crafting and processing patterns
[*] - GTCE Blocking mode work through phantom itemfaces
[*] - Shift-clicking blank patterns into the pattern terminal will try to fill the blank pattern slots first
[*] - Mismached simulated/real item count ( most often due to compacting drawers ) will now tell the player wich item cause the failure when trying to start a craft
[*] - Added 'pattern expansion' cards that adds an extra row of patterns to interfaces. up to 3 card on an interface. (each card will increase the interface idle power draw by 4 times)
[*] - Added expanded pattern terminal that allows processing paterns of up to 16 inputs and 6 outputs
[*] - Added OreDict Storage bus

[*] - Show "Craftable" tooltip on terminals, for craftable items - by FakeDomi
[*] - Automatically request new computation of a job if it couldn't be started due to items being used between the calculation start and clicking the start button - by FakeDomi

[*] - Add tooltips to preview Cells contents

[*] - Increase Fluid interfaces to 9 tanks, and allow each tank to hold up to 64 Buckets with capacity cards.

[*] - Interfaces can now hold up to 512 items in each slot

[*] - Move JEI items away from some buttons and ME Slots that would overlap

[*] - Remove channel count from TOP/Waila if channels are off.

[*] - Allow the charger to accept items oredicted with "crystalCertusQuartz"

[*] - The terminal will try to hold the items in place if the user is hovering over an item while SHIFT is being held down

[*] - Crafting nodes will only count to the total byte amount if they actually crafted or extracted something

[*] -Added a tall mode for the interface terminal



[*] - Added ALT in addition to middle click as a way to request crafting of items already in stock on terminals - by FakeDomi
[*] - Implemented mousetweaks API. AE2 custom keybinds now work. (Try right clicking and use the scroll-wheel on the terminals)
[*] - Holding SHIFT and scrolling UP and DOWN will increase the items set on the configured slots of Interfaces and Pattern Terminal (Processing mode)