Mod AEble by 指考上交大電機

  • AEble by 指考上交大電機

    say goodbye to the aether accessories .
    • 35.43 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • February 8, 2019
    • February 3, 2021
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
NameAEbleAuthor指考上交大電機Descriptionsay goodbye to the aether accessories .
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 35.43 KB
Updated at: February 3, 2021
Created at: February 8, 2019
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Important!! AEble v1.4.1 or above required Aether Legacy v1.5.0 or above!!

This mod hide aether's accessiors button and all method to get aether accessiors(etc:crafting,boss drop,dungeon...),and make a compatibility with baubles.



-----latest update-----


* fixed the problem that about bronze chest loot is empty

+ Repulsion Belt


 -----item info-----

Air Ring:Neglect falling damage.

Ice Ring:When you are standing on lava or water,It will cool down these fluid and turn into correspondent solid.

Regeneration Ring:Give you the regeneration potion effect.

Bubble Ring:Give you the water breath potion effect

Obsidian Ring:Give you the resistance and fire resistance potion effect.

Zanite Ring:Give you the haste potion effect

War Belt:Give you the strength potion effect.

Luck Belt:Increase your chance to get the rare loot

Repulsion Belt:Keep you from be damaged by projectiles

-----license or what-----


you can use this mod without asking me.(for one who I missed his message)

but if there is some bugs,please report me so that I can fix it for you and others!

Besides,translation lang files are welcome.