Mod Advanced Mining Dimension by henkelmax
- 4050655
- 135.23 KB
- 1.16.5
- July 28, 2019
- September 23, 2023
- BiomesDimensionsServer UtilityWorld Gen
Name | Advanced Mining Dimension | Author | henkelmax | Description | Adds a dimension consisting just of caves |
Information | Downloads: 4050655 Version: 1.16.5 Size: 135.23 KB Updated at: September 23, 2023 Created at: July 28, 2019 | Tags | Biomes Dimensions Server Utility World Gen |
FAQ | Credits
This mod adds a highly configurable dimension that only consists of caves.
Creating the teleporter only requires very basic resources to make it accessible very early in game.
Want to host your own server?
The teleporter is your door to the mining dimension.
Just place it down and right-click it.
Configuration (1.16.2 and higher)
Due to the changes in Minecraft 1.16, you have to create a datapack to modify the dimension itself. Example data packs can be found here.
Overworld dimension
The dimension from where you can teleport to the mining dimension and back
Show custom world warning
If the game should show the custom world warning when loading a world
Configuration (1.15.2 and lower)
Cave percentage
The Amount of caves generated
Canyon percentage
The Amount of canyons generated
Lava lakes
If lava lakes should be generated
If dungeons with spawners should be generated
Stone variants
If the different stone variants should be generated
If ores should be generated
If lava should be generated in caves below level 11