Mod Advanced Reborn by pitan76
- 575.66 KB
- 1.20
- October 31, 2021
- June 13, 2023
- AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Advanced Reborn | Author | pitan76 | Description | Tech Reborn's addon |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20 Size: 575.66 KB Updated at: June 13, 2023 Created at: October 31, 2021 | Tags | Addons Armor, Tools, and Weapons Energy Technology |
In 1.1.0, fixed Solar-based Generator Bug and added 4 machines (Farming Machine, Logging Machine, Fertilizer Spreader, Enchantment Extractor).
A non-original Tech Reborn mod for Fabric that takes ideas from some of the Advanced Machine and IC2 and some of the Visible Ray Generator.
(There are also original ones.)
If you have CC: Restitched, add a turtle of Tech Reborn ore tools such as Ruby Tools.
mainly add 14 solar panels, 4 dynamite, 1 industrial TNT, 7 machines, 4 cardboard boxes, 4 batteries, 1 armor and 8 others.
- Canning Machine...makes fuel cans and canned food.
- Rename Machine...rename items
- Teleporter...can set the coordinates on the frequency transmitter and teleport.
- Induction Furnace...a version that can heat and speed up by adding two output slots and two insertion slots to the electric furnace and giving a redstone signal.
- Rotary has the same specifications as the Induction Furnace. The slots are a little different. (Reference for Advanced Machine)
- Centrifugal has the same specifications as the Induction Furnace. The slots are a little different. (Reference for Advanced Machine)
- Singularity has the same specifications as the Induction Furnace. The slots are a little different. (Reference for Advanced Machine)
- Charge Pad...players can charge by riding on this. You need to put a capacitor(Bat Box etc.) under this.
- Charge Pad works by checking if the player's inventory contains rechargeable items.
- Ray Solar enhanced version of the solar panel. (Reference for Visible Ray Generator)
- Ray Generator...a machine that runs almost permanently without the sun. (Reference for Visible Ray Generator)
- Industrial TNT...TNT that does not erase entities.
- explosive that can be thrown.
- Nano Suit...from IC2
- Cardboard has the same specifications as the shulker box, has 9 slots, and is a storage box where you can take notes.
- CC: Turtle (Ruby Sapphire...)