Mod Advanced Tooltips by NebelNidas

  • Advanced Tooltips by NebelNidas

    Better and more tooltips on items! Fabric port of the Inspecio mod.
    • 144.69 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • July 7, 2022
    • August 8, 2022
    • Cosmetic
      Map and Information
      Utility & QoL
    Advanced Tooltips
Mod Information
NameAdvanced TooltipsAuthorNebelNidasDescriptionBetter and more tooltips on items! Fabric port of the Inspecio mod.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 144.69 KB
Updated at: August 8, 2022
Created at: July 7, 2022
Map and Information
Utility & QoL

client-side only 

Advanced Tooltips adds new tooltips to items like shulker boxes, filled maps, fish buckets, armor, food, banner patterns, and more! The mod is also pretty configurable, most parts can be enabled/disabled to your heart's desire! 

Requires Fabric API



Please see the Images tab.


The configuration file of is located in <minecraft directory>/config/advancedtooltips.json5.

You can also use the command /advancedtooltips config to manage settings in-game.
For more detailed information about the format of the configuration file, please look at the project's GitHub.


Wait, isn't this just the Inspecio mod?

Well yes, but actually no. 😉 You see, Inspecio has gone Quilt-only with their 1.19 release, which I don't really think makes sense (at least for now). Until Quilt becomes more established in the modding scene, I wanted to have a Fabric version of Inspecio available, which you can see here. Why have I chosen a different name though? Well, I didn't do so purposefully, but the original author of the mod denied me the right to use its name, so here we are. 🤷‍♂️