Mod Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition) by ErrorMikey

  • Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition) by ErrorMikey

    A simple but advanced XRay mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. Now for Fabric as well!
    • 147.42 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • February 8, 2021
    • September 23, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      Map and Information
    Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition)
Mod Information
NameAdvanced XRay (Fabric Edition)AuthorErrorMikeyDescriptionA simple but advanced XRay mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. Now for Fabric as well!
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 147.42 KB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: February 8, 2021
Map and Information

XRay Logo


Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition)

GitHub license GitHub issues GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub Release Date GitHub last commit

Fabric Loader based XRay mod designed to aid players who don't like the ore searching process. This mod is an exact 1:1 copy of my Advanced XRay Forge Mod which is typically the more up-to-date version of the mod.


Looking for the Forge version? Click the button below



I have disabled comments, please go to my Github if you have any issues with the mod. You can find a link to my Github in the buttons at the top of the project, The one called Issues.




Advanced XRay Fabric Edition is a feature rich XRay / Block ESP mod designed to aid players in the block searching process. I've designed the mod to be as user friendly as possible. Out of the box you'll have Easy to use GUI for adding, deleting and editing block you want to find, Full RGB color picker support, Searchable block list with in-hand and in-world options for adding blocks, Json Stored list to share and edit easily outside of the game.


How to use



Please note that these aren't always the ones set by default. Be sure to check your controls settings under XRay to find the correct keys


  • Press Backslash to toggle XRay ON/OFF
  • Press G to open the selection & settings Gui

Adding Blocks

  • Open the GUI Editor pressing [Default] Z
  • Select the method you'd like to use to add a block, either From hand, What you can see, or By searching a list
  • Modify the Name, Color, and anything else you'd like to change
  • Click add and Enable the Block

Editing Blocks

  • Shift Right click on any item in the GUI and edit as needed
  • Click save and the changed will be applied

    Discord invite link



The Imgur Album XRAY


Use on public servers

I DO NOT support the use of this mod on any public servers which do not allow this kind of mod. The mod does work on servers but I do not approve of, and will not, support anyone that attempts to use this mod on servers. I do not have the time to review each issue; I will simply close any issue with server connections in the crash log.

If you wish to use this mod on private servers then that's on you. If you use this on public servers and are banned then that's on you and I will not support your use of this mod in that way.