Mod Alex's Delight by NCP_Bails

  • Alex's Delight by NCP_Bails

    Adds compatibility between Alex's Mobs and Farmer's Delight
    • 3677004
    • 52.76 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • December 12, 2021
    • December 30, 2022
    • Addons
    Alex's Delight
Mod Information
NameAlex's DelightAuthorNCP_BailsDescriptionAdds compatibility between Alex's Mobs and Farmer's Delight
InformationDownloads: 3677004
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 52.76 KB
Updated at: December 30, 2022
Created at: December 12, 2021

Adds compatibility between Alex's Mobs and Farmer's Delight

These mods are obviously required                                Versions for 1.18 and below are no longer supported

Also check out Alex's Abnormalities



Current Items:

Kangaroo Shanks

Loose Moose Ribs

Bison Meat

Bison Patties

Bunfungus Meat

Bunfungus Drumsticks

Catfish Slices

Kangaroo Stew

Barbecue on a Stick recipe with Moose Ribs

Maggot Salad

Lobster Pasta

Acacia Blossom Soup

Gongylidia Bruschetta

Bison Burger

Bunfungus Sandwich

Kangaroo Pasta


If the new Kangaroo Burger recipe or Bison/Bunfungus loot tables do not work, disable and re-enable the Alex's Delight datapack, and then the Alex’s Mobs datapack

Third party distribution may be enabled in the future

The mod will always be updated to the latest version, in time

Do not ask for these things or I will delay them :)



Thanks for over 3,000,000 downloads!

If you have any problems, suggestions, or want to be included, join the discord!

Feel free to recommend features

You may use this mod in any modpack or video if you wish to.



By using this link you can get 15% off your first month! Be sure to add the code during the checkout process