Mod Alfinivia by BordListian
- 68.35 KB
- 1.12.2
- March 12, 2018
- March 13, 2018
- CraftTweakerMiscellaneous
Name | Alfinivia | Author | BordListian | Description | Syke, it's actually just a bunch of tweaks |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 68.35 KB Updated at: March 13, 2018 Created at: March 12, 2018 | Tags | CraftTweaker Miscellaneous |
This is a tweak mod. It tweaks things, and is tweaked by people. Without any configuration this mod does nothing.
There are currently n things it offers:
Arbitrary Milking
This allows any item to turn into another item on contact with any entity. Normally this would be used to add exotic milktypes for entities in modpacks but can be used for other purposes.
mods.alfinivia.Milking.add(@NotNull IIngredient input, @NotNull IEntityDefinition entity, IItemStack output, boolean needsSneaking); mods.alfinivia.Milking.add(@NotNull IIngredient input, @NotNull IEntityFunction entity, IItemStack output, boolean needsSneaking); mods.alfinivia.Milking.add(@NotNull IIngredient input, @NotNull IEntityDefinition entity, IMilkFunction output, boolean needsSneaking); mods.alfinivia.Milking.add(@NotNull IIngredient input, @NotNull IEntityFunction entity, IMilkFunction output, boolean needsSneaking); ex. for IEntityFunction: function(entity){return true;} ex. for IMilkFunction: function(entity, itemstack, player){return itemstack;} ex. mods.alfinivia.Milking.add(<minecraft:fish>,<entity:minecraft:sheep>,<minecraft:sandstone>,false);
Liquid Interactions
This allows any two fluids to interact in world to form a block, assuming they wouldn't already interact.
mods.alfinivia.LiquidInteraction.add(@NotNull IIngredient fluidA, @NotNull IIngredient fluidB, IItemStack output);
This allows breakspeed of certain blocks to vary based on several different factors. This can be done static, by tool, by attribute or by function. Note that multipliers are cumulative, so if there's an attribute and a function defined, both multipliers apply consecutively.
var builder = mods.alfinivia.BreakSpeedBuilder.get(@NotNull className); builder.setTool(IIngredient tools); builder.addTool(IIngredient tools); builder.addBlock(IItemStack block); builder.addBlock(IBlockDefinition block, int meta); builder.addBlocks(IItemStack[] blocks); builder.setMultiplier(float multiplier); //Flat multiplier builder.setAttribute(float defaultValue,float minValue,float maxValue); //This will request an attribute to be created with name "break.[className]" that affects the breakspeed builder.setFunction(IBlockSpeedFunction function); //Fine control based on values at runtime (ex. scales with distance from spawn or similar); //Call this last ex. for IBlockSpeedFunction: function(player,world,pos){return 1.0;} ex. var builder = mods.alfinivia.BreakSpeedBuilder.get("stone"); builder.addBlock(<minecraft:stone>); builder.setMultiplier(2.0); builder.addTool(<minecraft:stone_pickaxe>);;
Damage Handlers
This allows specific entities to have the damage they take from specific sources modified in some way.
var builder = mods.alfinivia.DamageBuilder.get(@NotNull className); builder.matchEntity(IEntityFunction entityMatch); builder.matchSource(IEntityFunction sourceMatch); builder.matchDamageSource(String damageSource); builder.setFunction(IDamageFunction function); builder.multiplyAttribute(float defaultValue, float minValue, float maxValue); //This will request an attribute to be created with name "damage.[className]" that functions as the multiplier for the damage builder.addAttribute(float defaultValue, float minValue, float maxValue); //Same as above but the value of the attribute is added instead.; //Call this last ex. for IDamageFunction: function(IEntityLivingBase entity, float amount){return 1.0 * amount;} ex. var builder = mods.alfinivia.DamageBuilder.get("stone"); builder.matchEntity(IEntityFunction.getEntities([<entity:minecraft:sheep>,<entity:minecraft:wolf>])); builder.matchDamageType("fire"); builder.setFunction(IDamageFunction.multiply(2.5));;
Misty World
There's currently only the ability to add compostable items and set the harvest type for crops.
mods.alfinivia.MistyWorld.addCompostable(IItemStack stack) mods.alfinivia.MistyWorld.addHarvestType(IBlockDefinition block, int min, int max) //min and max must be between 1 and 3, this affects how much water permeability (porosity) of the soil is needed to grow specific plants. //1 - clay soil (flowering, marsh plants, cereals) //2 - forest and tropical soils (vegetables) //3 - sandy and stony soils (tubers) mods.alfinivia.MistyWorld.addHarvestType(String block, int min, int max)
Immersive Engineering
There is support for removing and adding fertilizers to the garden cloche, adding fluids to the chemsprayer, adding rods to the railgun and last but not least, a builder system for revolver/turret bullets.
mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addChemthrowerEffect(ILiquidStack liquid, boolean isGas, boolean isFlammable, String source, float damage) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addChemthrowerEffect(ILiquidStack liquid, boolean isGas, boolean isFlammable, String source, float damage, IPotionEffect[] effects) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addChemthrowerEffect(ILiquidStack liquid, boolean isGas, boolean isFlammable, IChemEntityEffect entityEffect, IChemBlockEffect blockEffect) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addRailgunBullet(IIngredient item, float damage, float gravity, int[][] colorMap) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addRailgunBullet(IIngredient item, float damage, float gravity, IRailgunImpact effect, int[][] colorMap) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addLiquidFertilizer(ILiquidStack liquid, float multiplier) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addLiquidFertilizer(ILiquidStack liquid, IFluidFertilizerMultiplier multiplier) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.removeLiquidFertilizer(ILiquidStack liquid) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addItemFertilizer(IIngredient item, float multiplier) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.addItemFertilizer(IIngredient item, IItemFertilizerMultiplier multiplier) mods.alfinivia.ImmersiveEngineering.removeItemFertilizer(IItemStack item) ex. for IChemBlockEffect function(world,pos,side,shooter,throwerstack,fluid){} ex. for IChemEntityEffect function(target,shooter,throwerstack,fluid){} ex. for IRailgunImpact function(target,shoot){return false;} //returning true here foregoes the regular damage it would do ex. for IFluidFertilizerMultiplier function(fertilizer,seed,soil){return 1.0;} //fertilizer is an ILiquidStack ex. for IItemFertilizerMultiplier function(fertilizer,seed,soil){return 1.0;} //fertilizer is an IItemStack todo: docs for the bullet builder