Mod Ambient Environment by Jaredlll08

  • Ambient Environment by Jaredlll08

    Adds more ambiance to a Minecraft world
    • 4831595
    • 7.15 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • April 25, 2019
    • September 22, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Ambient Environment
Mod Information
NameAmbient EnvironmentAuthorJaredlll08DescriptionAdds more ambiance to a Minecraft world
InformationDownloads: 4831595
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 7.15 KB
Updated at: September 22, 2023
Created at: April 25, 2019

This mod adds ambient color noise to the biome colors of the game. This means that things like grass, water, and leaves will have very subtle differences in color based on where they are in the world. This noise helps the world seem more varied and alive. This is based on a similar feature from the Bedrock version of the game.


An interactive comparison of how it looks before and after can be found here




