Mod Ancient Spellcraft by windanesz
- 4441527
- 5.57 MB
- 1.12.2
- January 11, 2020
- April 21, 2023
- MagicMobs
Name | Ancient Spellcraft | Author | windanesz | Description | Tons of new spells, artefacts and other goodies for Electroblob's Wizardry |
Information | Downloads: 4441527 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 5.57 MB Updated at: April 21, 2023 Created at: January 11, 2020 | Tags | Magic Mobs |
For the latest news, updates and discussion about the mod, join my official Discord server !
An add-on for Electroblob's Wizardry, introducing many new spells, artefacts and new elements
Ancient Spellcraft is a Minecraft modification that adds magical content to your game. The mod is an addon for Electroblob's Wizardry.
Currently, the mod adds over 176 unique spells, rituals and over 88 artefacts and many more various things.
Some of the spells which are added by this mod...
... a Will o' Wisp spell which can locate biomes for you!
... Teleport to your own pocket dimension to have a remote home
... teleport to the Nether through the purple flames of Hell's Gate - a way to quickly travel between the Overworld and the Nether without a nether portal
... summon an army of undead skeletal wizards to fight your battles for you
... turn a desert into a lush land (or drought some lush fields?)
... Contingency spells - prepare for a battle and release your magic right at the moment when you need them
Spells and other contents
Discover the spells in the game, or check the wiki list of all spells here
Required Dependencies
Optional Dependencies
- ArtemisLib - for the size altering spells
- Baubles - for the artefact slots
- Patchouli - for the in-game manual book
Looking for a server to play with your friends?
You are permitted to use this mod in any mod pack, just make sure you provide a link to this page in your credits. Redistribution in public hosting is not allowed.
If you encounter any issues or problems, you can report them in the Github issue tracker, or more preferably in discord if you want a quicker way to discuss.
Check my other Electroblob's Wizardry addons:
Mo' Spells - A Spell pack for Mowzie's Mobs
Spell Bundle - Integrate Electroblob's Wizardry with everything!