Mod Annotated DI (Forge) by The_Fireplace

  • Annotated DI (Forge) by The_Fireplace

    Dependency Injection library for Forge mods
    • 804.17 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • April 5, 2022
    • April 15, 2023
    • API and Library
    Annotated DI (Forge)
Mod Information
NameAnnotated DI (Forge)AuthorThe_FireplaceDescriptionDependency Injection library for Forge mods
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 804.17 KB
Updated at: April 15, 2023
Created at: April 5, 2022
API and Library

This project is for the Forge version of the mod. Click here for the Fabric version of the mod.

Annotated DI is a wrapper around Guice with a few extra utilities added for more convenient use with Minecraft mods. This allows the Dependency Injection design pattern to be used when making mods and APIs for them.

Extra utilities for modders:

  • The @Implementation annotation, which can be used to wire up all the dependencies conveniently without needing to make a separate file to configure all the bindings, and without forcing the API to have a compile time dependency on the implementation.
  • A central Injector for each mod, which allows mods to inject classes/interfaces from themselves and their dependencies.
  • A registry that provides a way for modders to add a custom Module to the Injector before it's created - most mods won't need this unless they're doing some advanced bindings of some kind.


Documentation for developers can be found on the wiki.



How does this help users?

Mods that are designed to use this can be easier to maintain than mods that don't use it, which can result in faster updates. It's not the right solution for every mod, but it can be useful for some, especially when making an API that other mods can use.

Does this do anything on its own?

It shows up in the mod list, but that's about it.

Does this download mod dependencies for you?