Mod AntiXray (Fabric) by drexhd

  • AntiXray (Fabric) by drexhd

    Lightweight fabric mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers
    • 111.47 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • August 6, 2021
    • September 25, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
      Server Utility
    AntiXray (Fabric)
Mod Information
NameAntiXray (Fabric)AuthordrexhdDescriptionLightweight fabric mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 111.47 KB
Updated at: September 25, 2023
Created at: August 6, 2021
Server Utility

Drex's Discord


Anti Xray is a lightweight fabric (Go here for the forge version) mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers.


Engine Modes

Anti xray disabled: This is just for reference

anti xray disabled


EngineMode 1: This mode will replace all fully obscured (no air around) blocks from hiddenBlocks with blocks from replacementBlocks

enginemode 1


EngineMode 2 (recommended): This mode will replace all blocks from hiddenBlocks and replacementBlocks with random blocks from hiddenBlocks

engine mode 2


Legit player view: Legit players wont notice any changes when this mod is installed (unless they have high ping or modify a lot of blocks at once, eg: explosions)

legit player view



enabled = true
engineMode = 2
maxBlockHeight = 256
updateRadius = 2
lavaObscures = false
hiddenBlocks = ["copper_ore", "deepslate_copper_ore", "gold_ore", "deepslate_gold_ore", "iron_ore", "deepslate_iron_ore", "coal_ore", "deepslate_coal_ore", "lapis_ore", "deepslate_lapis_ore", "mossy_cobblestone", "obsidian", "chest", "diamond_ore", "deepslate_diamond_ore", "redstone_ore", "deepslate_redstone_ore", "clay", "emerald_ore", "deepslate_emerald_ore", "ender_chest"]
replacementBlocks = ["stone", "deepslate"]

enabled = true
engineMode = 1
maxBlockHeight = 128
updateRadius = 2
lavaObscures = false
hiddenBlocks = ["ancient_debris", "nether_quartz_ore", "nether_gold_ore"]
replacementBlocks = ["netherrack"]

enabled = false


Config option overview

enabled if set to true anti xray will be active in the specified world

engineMode can either be 1 or 2, see Engine Modes

maxBlockHeight controls the max height at which blocks should get obfuscated

updateRadius controls how many blocks away from shown blocks obfuscation should start (if your players see fake ores it is recommended to increase this value)

lavaObscures if set to true blocks next to lava will get obscured

hiddenBlocks is a list of block ids that will get hidden

replacementBlocks is a list of blocks that will get used for block obfuscation



This mod is a port of Papers Async Anti Xray Patch from 1.17 and it's 1.14 patch for networking code, to fabric