Mod Apple Shields Mod by vadis365

  • Apple Shields Mod by vadis365

    NEW Custom Shields
    • 536.00 KB
    • 1.11.2
    • July 4, 2016
    • July 11, 2017
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Apple Shields Mod
Mod Information
NameApple Shields ModAuthorvadis365DescriptionNEW Custom Shields
Version: 1.11.2
Size: 536.00 KB
Updated at: July 11, 2017
Created at: July 4, 2016
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Enjoying Shields in Minecraft? ...Of course.

Want NEW Shields with Configurable Durability? ...Yup.
Want NEW Shields with Auto repair? ...That would be Awesome.
Want NEW Shields with RF Durability? ...Yes please.
Want NEW Shields made from Apples? ...Wait, what!?

 new banner


During updating The Erebus and The Betweenlands mods; myself and some of the Angry Pixel team

have been working on adding some custom shields. This mod is a product of that research with a twist.

All the shields have configuration options for their various settings.

Modpack use permissions are freely given, all I ask for is a link back to this page if possible.


Shields & Items

White Apple
Can be consumed. Has the same stats as an Apple.
Used in crafting the iShield (Non RF).


RF White Apple
Can be consumed. Has the same stats as an apple.
Used in crafting the Shield RF.


Apple Pie

Can be consumed. Has the same stats as a Pumpkin Pie.

Used in crafting the Apple Pie Shield.

Recipe is shapeless.


Red Apple Shield
Minecraft's standard apple as a shield.
Has a default durability of 336.
Can be repaired in an anvil with apples.


Crafted with white apples
Default Durability: 504
Can be repaired in an anvil with redstone dust.


Apple Pie Shield

Crafted with apple pies.

Has a default durability of 504.

Feeds the player a default of 1 hunger point (half of a meat stick) with 0.6 saturation

every 10 seconds, at the cost of 4 durability per hunger point restored.

Can be repaired in an anvil with apple pies.


Golden Apple Shield
Crafted with golden apples.
Has a default durability of 504.
Automatically repairs itself a default of 1 durability every 8 seconds.
Can be repaired in an anvil with gold ingots.


Enchanted Golden Apple Shield
Crafted with enchanted golden apples.
Has a default durability of 672.
Automatically repairs itself a default of 1 durability every 4 seconds.
Can be repaired in an anvil with blocks of gold.


RF Option - Needs an RF mod installed
iShield RF
Crafted with RF white apples.
Has a default RF storage of 10000.
Consumes by default 20 RF per damage point to the shield.
Can be charged in any RF item charger*.

Can be repaired in an anvil with blocks of redstone.

*Charger not included

Mod Creator and coder: Vadis365

Mod Total Rewrite for 1.10.2 by: SnakeFang12

Code and ideas contributed: imdutch21, dmf444, ganymedes01