Mod Applied Botanics Addon by ramidzkh

  • Applied Botanics Addon by ramidzkh

    mana through ae2, what could go wrong
    • 4445956
    • 241.38 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • April 14, 2022
    • September 27, 2023
    • Applied Energistics 2
    Applied Botanics Addon
Mod Information
NameApplied Botanics AddonAuthorramidzkhDescriptionmana through ae2, what could go wrong
InformationDownloads: 4445956
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 241.38 KB
Updated at: September 27, 2023
Created at: April 14, 2022
Applied Energistics 2

Applied Botanics

An addon for Botania support for AE2. Please report issues on the issue tracker. Join the AE2 discord server for discussion.

This is a Fabric and Forge mod which requires both AE2 and Botania.


Mana P2P tunnels!

Mana P2P tunnels can be made by right clicking any Botania item on a P2P tunnel. Mana can then instantly travel through to any outputs, such as a Mana pool, Runic Altar, Terrasteel Agglomeration Plate or anything else!


Wired sparks!

A spark can also be placed on the input of a Mana P2P tunnel, allowing an insane amount of mana throughput with a dominant spark augment and multiple pools!


Corporea index support!

A Corporea spark can be placed on a public system's ME interface, and then the Corporea Index will be able to extract items right out of your ME system!